Magic Hours

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"Good night Ken, Good night Annie" a tiny singsong voice drifted from the other side of the room. After a fair amount of shuffling and whining, the light flicked out overhead. All that lit the room was the glow of the Pretty Princess night light plugged into Grace's wall.

Annie heard all of this as she lay tucked into the plastic bed of the doll house. She lay there listening to the tick tock of the wall clock and occasionally checked to see if the spell was lifted and she could move again. Waiting for Magic Hours was the hardest part of the day.

Tick tock


Tick tock


Tick tock

She could hear everything around here and see where her fixed eyes allowed but still couldn't move. Yet.

Finally, the creaking of the door and a thin shaft of light from Mom or Dad checking on Grace meant that the time was almost upon them.

She couldn't wait. 'wait to run anyway.' She thought.

Suddenly she heard the murmurs of the others as their limbs regained function and their mouths could drop out of the permanent happy expressions they wore day in and day out. It wasn't instantaneous like the moves portrayed. It was more like warm water being poured over you. Your limbs became less ridged and stiff, your chest began to move as you began to breath for the first time in 18 or so hours.

Annie gasped in her first breath all day, feeling the tips of her feet and fingers warming up. A hand snaked its way across her abdomen and a face nuzzled her neck.

"Hello wife." The face growled.

Annie fought the urge to vomit at his touch. As soon as she was able, Annie pushed at him with all her might and rolled in the opposite direction.

"Get the fuck off of me!" she shouted to him.

"Oh, but dear we are married, that makes you mine to have and to hold." He gave her a smug smile.

"Screw you, we get married at least once a week." She shot back, unsnapping the wedding dress she wore and throwing it in the corner of the room. Turning to the closet she started looking for a pair of leggings and an oversized top. She had traded some of her hair accessories to the trollies for a couple of slouchy shirts. Well slouchy on her anyway.

"And if I know our little Grace, there will be a baby coming soon." He had walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and was patting her abdomen. "You look so pretty with your little baby bump poking out." She twisted in his grasp trying to get away, but he held on tight, digging his sizable erection into her behind. "You know you want me" he kissed the nape of her neck.

"Isn't your harem waiting for you and your dick?" she sneered at him.

Annie lurched forward out of his grasp and grabbed her shirt and bag and made her way to the open side of the house. Throwing the shirt over her head and looping the strap of her bag around her wrist she jumped down from the second story and headed towards the door of the little girl's room.

She made her way down the hall to Jack's room, Grace's brother. He was 8, and last year became obsessed with cowboys and Indians. Mom and Dad had bought him a Deluxe Old West Town and soon after the Saloon had opened for business during Magic Hours. She pushed the swinging doors open and sauntered to the bar, ignoring the glances and glares of the other patrons, mostly soldiers from the fort and some random towns people. It was a Tuesday night after all, things didn't get rowdy in here until after long playtimes on the weekends. It sometimes got so crowded in here after a friend had come over to play that Annie couldn't even make it to the bar.

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