05 ↬ christmas songs & troubled minds

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Vera grew wide-eyed as soon as she heard that all too familiar voice, practically jumping out of her seat and nearly startling her make-up artist.

"Dana!" Vera exclaimed as her face broke out into a smile so huge, the make-up artist was sure she'd just brightened up the entire room.

Dana came barrelling into Vera's suite, throwing her shoulder bag aimlessly on one of the empty seats before tackling her best friend in a hug. "Oh, it's been way too long, Vera!"

"Hey, you better not be using up all your hugs on that woman alone now!"

A hearty laugh slipped past Vera's lips as Dana rolled her eyes at how dramatic her friends were being but nevertheless, a smile graced her lips. Vera broke away from the embrace she and Dana were sharing and jogged over to the entrance of her hotel room before being tackled by a wild Jane Derwin and Beth Lindley.

"Careful with her make-up!" Vera's make-up artist advised, laughing as she did so.

Jane tore herself away from Vera and Beth to check on Vera's make-up, making sure that it wasn't smudged. Jane reassured her make-up artist that everything was still in place and that no make-up looks were harmed during their embrace, earning a hearty and genuine laugh from everyone in the room.

"Also, need I remind you that it's nearly Christmas," Vera defended playfully as she sauntered over to the coffee table to pour them all a glass of water.

"Yeah, in like a month and three weeks' time," Dana retorted, throwing her friend a knowing smile.

"So, are we kissing anyone under the mistletoe this year?" Beth teased, taking a seat on the couch as Jane did the same.

"Oh, we know who you're kissing under the mistletoe this year," Jane sang, winking at Beth whose cheeks began to flush red.

Vera giggled at their antics, shaking her head before downing the remainders of her drink. "You better get him to spend Christmas with us because we want to see just how amazing he really is."

"What Vera means is that you have to get him to spend Christmas with us so that we can interrogate him until the cow comes home," Dana chimed in, earning a laugh from all the other girls.

. . . . . .

"Ben, have you seen my phone?"

Rolling his eyes for what seemed like the umpteenth time that evening, Ben threw his head back in annoyance and ended up upsetting his hairstylist. "You're honestly the only person I've met who's lost his phone countless of times on numerous occasions."

Aaron narrowed his eyes at his best friend who was still seated at the dresser. "Hey, that's an exaggeration and you know it! Andrew and Jamie have lost their phones, too."

"Oh, they have but not as many times as you, mate," Ben retorted with a tinge of amusement in his voice before closing his eyes for a moment, humming along to Elton John's I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues.

"You know, you really should start a singing career," Aaron commented as he began to look around the room for his phone once more.

"Really?" Ben asked as he fished for his phone to dial Aaron's number. "And give up the chance of playing Billy Russo?"

"Well, not necessarily," Aaron said, shaking his head. "You could always be one of those stars who act and sing in their lifetime---my phone!"

Aaron jogged over to the bed and threw the duvet away, along with a pillow and another. Ben chuckled at his best friend's antics, ending the call as he turned to look at himself in the mirror. He looked absolutely exhausted from all the filming he'd done back-to-back, not to mention the stunts he'd decided to pull off yesterday on set.

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