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Caroline was having lunch with Carrie and Miranda across the road from the hunting store. "So how long is Jason on tour with Florida Georgia Line for" asked Miranda. "The next four months but they're all back for the Country Fest in April, so that should be fun". "Going to see each other between now and then" asked Caroline. "Yes but with my schedule and his it's hard to but we'll meet in the middle somewhere". Miranda notice a sudden change in both Carrie and Caroline as a women with dark hair approched the table that they were sitting at outside. "Well if it isn't homewrecker one and two" said Savannah. "I'm sorry is someone speaking because I don't hear a thing" said Carrie. "Funny and I bet that Jason laughs at everything that you say" said Savannah. "Yeah and we talk a lot but then again it's a grown up relationship, you may want to try it sometime" said Carrie. "Ouch" said Miranda. "Does it make you feel better saying mean things your ex's new girlfriend's because the way I see it your just acting stupid" said Caroline. "Luke's only with you because your having his baby" said Savannah. "A load of crap you are and the next time I see your face I'll rearrange it" said Caroline. "You think your so tough don't you". said Savannah.  Caroline stood up she was now going on six months pregnant, "You wanna go bitch" said Caroline. "Okay why don't you take your fucked up ass and the get the hell out if her before I change my mind" said Miranda."Whatever" said Savannah,  turning and leaving. 

"And the guns we own don't shoot paintballs" said Miranda after her. "Would you have of taken her Caroline" asked Carrie, looking at her. "Maybe but Miranda would have done the rest" said Caroline smiling. "Yes I would have" added Miranda. 

Caroline felt more then relived upon seeing Luke walk in the store, he'd just spent most of the morning and afternoon working on a new a song. He put his hanss on Caroline's face and kissed her, he could tell something was on her mind, "Wanna talk abour what's bothering you Caroline". Caroline looked down then back at Luke, "At lunch time we ran into Savannah or to put it more rightly she ran into us and I know she's not done yet even after I said that I'd rearrange her face if she came near us again".  "Your so the girl for me Caroline" Luke said as his mouth met hers. "I'm serious Luke". "Tell you what since Jason's not here I'll give Blake and Justin a call and we'll take care of it". "Thank you Luke". Luke kissed her on the forehead before going outside to call Blake and Justin. Matt then came along making Caroline feel even more annoyed, "What's that on your hand sis" he asked noticing her engagement ring. "It's called an engagement ring dumbass". "Your going to marry Luke". Caroline could tell from the tone in his voice that he was having fun with this, so she leaned slightly over the counter and picked him up by the collar of his shirt, "Listen here dummy, I love Luke and he loves me, he is also the father of my baby so your just going to have to bulid a bridge and get the hell over it and nention a wordif this to Daddy and I'll make sure that you never have children"."Okay, okay". Caroline let go of him as Luke came back in. "Everything alright" said Luke, sliding his hand down to her baby bump. "Nothing I can't handle here" she said putting her hand over his. "I'm going to pick up Blake and Justin and we'll go and take care of it". "Nothing stupid I hope Luke". "No not at all" Luke gave Caroline a long kiss before leaving she didn't know what the guys were going to do or if she could trust Matt in not telling her father, then again it was her mother's side of the family who owned the hunting business not her father's so what did she have to worry about.
"So what's the plan here Luke, we just rock up to her place and trash it or" said Blake trailing off the end of his sentence. "Not to come off as a bunch jerks but Savannah needs to know that she's not allowed to go around threatening people and expexting to get away with it" said Luke. "And I'm only here as backup" said Justin. Luke pulled into a long tree covered driveway and drove until coming to an old 18th century house at the end of it. I once parked he got out along with Blake and Justin, "Knew you'd show back up at some point Luke it was only a matter of time" said Savannah coming out of the house. "I only love Caroline and I'm here on her behalf". "That's the funniest thing ever and Jason doesn't show up on Carrie's wow". "He's out on tour but that's why I'm here and so is Justin" said Blake. "Bitches got nerve letting their men do their job for them". "Actually Caroline would be happy to kick your ass and Miranda would stick a few rounds in yours but I came to talk this out because fighting gets people nowhere it only makes things worse" said Luke. "Go ahead talk then". "No matter what you do Savannah the only one for me is Caroline, so stop harassing us and not to mention Carrie and Jason as well or next time I'll call the cops". She didn't know what to say that wouldn't make her sound stupid or desperate.  Luke then turned around and walked back to his truck with Blake and Justin. Savannah did feel incredibly stupid about the whole thing and she knew the only one to blame was herself. As they drove away Blake saw a new look on Justin's face, "Please tell me that you don't want to ask her out" said Blake.  "Don't know" said Justin. "A little piece of adivce worst mistake that I have ever made was being with Savannah and I'm pretty sure that Jason would agree with me" said Luke.

Carrie was sitting beside the fire place at home on the phone with Jason. Jason had come off from doing his show case for the night and was now sitting in his tour bus on the phone with Carrie, he could hear Florida Georgia Line playing out on stage, "How is life on the road since I don't start touring until after Country Fest" said Carrie. "Different with these guys with life as a constent party but it's all good fun". " Well today we ran into Savannah and if Miranda hadn't of steped in Caroline would have rearranged her pretty little face". "What did Luke say about it all". "According to Miranda since Blake went as backup Luke told her that if she came in contact with any of us he'd call the cops on her ass". "Guessing she didn't take that too lightly". "Actually Blake also said that Justin is now interested in her since he was also there". "Justin as in Justin Moore". "Yep that's what he said". "Huh anyway I miss you like crazy Carrie". "I miss you like crazy as well Jason" said Carrie, before they both hung up. Carrie put the phone down and looked at the flames of the burning fire as the rain fell heavily on the roof above what would have made the night perfect for Carrie if Jason had of been there. Jason listened to the rain coming down and he kind of wished right now that he was at home with Carrie in his arms.

Luke sat on the couch with his wrapped around Caroline, "Thank you for what you did today Luke". "Just doing what needed to done and what was the thing between you and Matt about today". "He questioned why we are engaged and is likely to tell my father about it" Luke thought as he interlocked his fingers with Caroline's, "He has no right to tell him cause it's not his business". "Exactly and he may be my brother but he has a big mouth". "I know" Luke looked at Caroline and kissed her, she lay head on his chest and watched whatever they where watching on TV. Later on when they were both in bed asleep Luke was woken up by a noise downstairs, he leaned over and woke up Caroline, "What Luke" said a half a sleep Caroline. "Something or someone is downstairs" said Luke, as he put his pants on. Caroline put on her dressing gown, as Luke grabbed the bat out of the cloest. He and Caroline both crept downstairs very carefully, and into the living area downstairs Luke wished that he could have made a b line for the gun cabinet but the key was in the drew in the kitchen. Caroline grabbed hold of Luke's arm as a shadow appread in the doorway of the living area. "Who are you and what do you want" said Luke. "Your not going to marry my daughter". Caroline could tell that her father was drunk, "I love Luke and no matter what you say or do it will not change a damn thing" Caroline said through clenched teeth. "Why are you doing this Caroline". "Caroline's not doing anything and think it's time for you to leave before I call the cops". "That's the cowards way out son". "You know what I don't want anything to do with you anymore Daddy so consider yourself banned from my life". Luke took a step forward, "Leave now before this all goes south". Luke went over and opened the door, before shoving her father out the door and locking it after closing it. Luke held Caroline in his arms, "Did I do the right thing Luke by kicking my father out of my life". Luke looked Caroline in the eyes, "yes if you think that it's right because you can't live your life with negative people in it". "I am right because he's been negative my whole life". "Well you don't have to worry about him anymore because he's no longer welcome Caroline" Caroline looked at, "I love you Luke" "And I love you too Caroline". Caroline leaned in and kissed Luke as he placed his hand on her baby bump. 

Later on the next morning Caroline approched Matt at work the same time as Luke and Miranda walked into the shop, "I trusted you Matt and you told Daddy when I damn well told you not". "Just doing the right thing by my sister". "That's not the right thing you ass and you've never liked Luke from day one, so as far as I'm concerned you can go and screw yourself because as now your fired". "You can't fire me over something this stupid". "I can and I will and it's not just that you screw up more orders then anyone". " Bullshit". "I'd leave now if I were you Matt and calling your Daddy won't change a thing" said Miranda. Matt didn't say anything else he just turned around and walked out, he was also partly scared of Miranda and not to mention Caroline. Caroline went over and hugged Luke, "You alright". "Yeah, just trying to understand wby Matt told in the first place". "Who knows" said Luke, brushing a piece of hair off of Caroline's face before kissing her. "And family doesn't always have to be blood" said Miranda. "No it doesn't" said Caroline, before Miranda joined them for a group hug.

Love Defines All.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora