Garth Brooks event

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It was Saturday evening and everyone Country Music star on music row was at the outdoor arena to perform live in a concet tribute for Garth Brooks, who would also be making an apperance on stage with a few of the live acts.Luke was getting ready to go on stage, he was the thrid act on after Little Big Town and was going to be performing Garth's song Shameless. In his dressing room he was joined by Caroline, Carrie, Jason, Blake and Miranda. "When do newcomers stop being the first few acts on" said Luke, while hooking up his micraphone. "When you get a few dozen hit songs on thr charts" said Miranda. "Think it's time to start work on some chart topping songs then". "What song of Garth's are you doing Luke" asked Blake. "Shameless". "I'm doing The River and from what i've heard the Fgl guys are putting their own spin on Friends in low places" said Jason. "Looking foward to hearing it" said Miranda. Luke checked his watch, "Time to head out" . Luke put his arm around Caroline and kissed her as they walked out of the dressing room with everyone else following behind. Garth came up to Luke, "Ready to hit the stage and I'll also be joining you for this number" said Garth. "Can't wait". Garth headed over to Trisha as Luke looked at Caroline, "Good luck out there" said Caroline, as Luke put his hand over hers. "Thanks baby" Luke kissed her on the head. "Go and kill it out there bro" said Blake,  as Garth waved him over. Caroline couldn't help but smile as he joined Garth and Trisha on stage. "He may be a newcomer but one day he's going to go far so give it up for Luke Bryan" said Trisha, before heading backstage as the crowd gave a round of applause for Luke as the muisc started.

"Where's Carrie and Jason" said Caroline, looking around. "I don't know but she is up after Josh Turner who is up next". "Doing what song" said Blake. "What she's doing now" said Miranda."I'm going to find her because and Jason cause he's up after" said Trisha. "I'll go with" said Caroline, as Brad Paisley came over to them.

Carrie looked at Jason as he leaned against the wall in her dressing room, they had already recorded their duet together but had not yet talked about the kiss from a few weks ago. "Jason all I want to know is do you feel the sameway towards me as I do to you". "I didn't kiss you Carrie if I didn't think that there was a shot for us". "So to sum it up you do". "Yes that's what I've been trying to tell you Carrie". Carrie stood up and looked at Jason he put his hands on her face and kissed her she pulled her closer into him forgetting that she was on next after Josh Turner. Trisha and Caroline saw through the half open door Jason and Carrie making out, Trisha knocked on the door "y'all are needed by the stage". Carrie stopped kissing Jason, "Let's hit the stage" said Carrie, pulling herself away from Jason. "Thought you both had decided not to get together" said Caroline while they walked towards the stage as Luke was now coming off stage. "We talked things happen". "What happened" said Luke, giving Caroline a quick kiss. "Carrie here just hooked up with Jason in a matter of speaking". "Just say that a little louder so that everyone can hear". "I thought things were a no go there". "It was just a kiss not thrid base" said Carrie, before going off to finish getting ready. "Going to talk to Jason, Luke". "Yes and tomorrow we can go and see my parents and tell them the good news". "Seems like an easy plan" Luke kissed her before going over to Jason.

Jason was hooking up his micraphone when Luke came over, "Not to burst your bubble or anything Jason but, this thing between you and Carrie how serious is it" said Luke. "Taking it slow why". "Well she is a friend of Caroline's and your my best friend and if it all goes south for some reason we'll be caught in the middle and Carrie is likely to write a song about it". "Relax Luke nothing is going to go south". "For now anyway". "Heard you killed it out there with Shameless". Yeah I did, looking forward to hearing what the Florida Georgia Line guys have in store". "Don't we all" said Jason, with a little laugh.

Tyler and BK walked towards where Luke and the others were with their band and Hayley and BCole.  Garth and Trisha looked over as they entered the backstage area, "Am I joining y'all on stage" said Garth, who had not been present when they had done their rehearsal. "No not this time" said Tyler, taking a sip from his drink. "Ok, now I'm really looking forward to hearing this" said Garth. BCole placed her hands on BK's face and gave him a really long good luck kiss. Tyker gave Hayley a kiss before walking out on stage with the band and BK. "Wow " said Luke, as the muisc started. "You can say that again" said Caroline". Tyler and BK had put their own style to Friends in low places and Garth's mouth hung open as Tyler rapped parts of the song. What shocked everyone was that they got a standing ovation from the crowd. Tyler looked over at Garth and Trisha who were standing on side of the stage then back at his band, "It'z just what we do, y'all" said Tyler. BK smiled as the muisc kicked into one of their songs bringing the party to the night.

The next day Luke and Caroline arrived at his parents house, she leaned over and kissed him, "Wished we'd told my parents that we're now engaged". "That will be fun won't it". "Yeah" said  Caroline as they got out of his truck. "Momma" said Luke, given his Mom a hug. "Luke, Caroline this is a surprise" said Leclaire, his Mom. "Thought we'd drop in for a surprise visit and we have some good news". Luke wrapped his arms around Caroline putting his hands over her baby bump, she put her hands over his. "What's the good news". Caroline looked at Luke and smiled, "I'm five months pregant". Oh, that's fantastic" said Luke's, mother hugging them both. "Gets even better because we're also enagaged mom". "That's wonderful both of you" she said, hugging them again.

Jason and Carrie were sitting on the tailgate of his truck down at the lake, "When do you leave on tour with Florida Georgia Line". "Next week, doesn't give us much time together does it". "No Jason it doesn't so let's make the most of it". "What did you have in mind Carrie". Carrie turned around and put her hands on Jason's face and kissed him, pulling herself closer towards him.
As Luke and Caroline pulled into their place Luke looked over and saw that their front door was swinging wide open, "You locked the door when we left right Caroline" Luke said turning his head to look at her. Yes course I did". "Then we've been robbed". Caroline gave Luke a very concering look as they got out of his truck,  They entered the house to find that it was trashed but nothing had been taken, Caroline bent over and picked up a photo of her and Luke it had been broken and across her half of the photo written in red where the words homewrecker. "Look at this Luke" she said handing him the broken photo. Luke looked at the photo before putting it down, "Savannah's the one who did this Luke and I'm guessing that she won't stop here". Luke pulled Caroline in and hugged her, he leaned his forehead aganist hers, "We will handle this and I promise you Caroline that I will not let her hurt you or anyone that we care about". Caroline looked at Luke before putting her mouth to his and kissing him.

Carrie arrived home to find that het place had also been trashed just the living area not the rest of her house and just as Caroline had found Carrie picked up the broken remains of a photo of herself with Blake and Miranda with the words homewrecker across it. She knew then right away who had done it, she pulled out her phone and called Luke. "Not to alarm you or anything Luke but, I think that Savannah's broken into my place and trashed it". "You're not the only one Carrie because mine and Caroline's place has also been trashed". "What are going to do go to the cops". Luke thought before answering, "Leave it for a week and see what happens or approch her sometime next week and tell her to leave us the hell alone". "Yeah we'll try it your way first Luke and if that doesn't work we'll go about things my way". Carrie hung up and sat down on the couch, she felt as if she didn't know what was going to happen next or when but just like Caroline they were being targeted because of Jason and Luke's actions in dumping Savannah.   

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