Ariana and the other two guys, who I assumed were Sam and Travis, arrived and seemed really cool. We ate dinner and drank outside on the patio. It was such a nice night and felt so great to be outside, we had such short summers back in Wisconsin. I was already having a really fun night and it was still early.

I was laughing at a story that Sam was telling about his school, apparently he and Emma went to school together here in Los Angeles. Emma never really talked her other high school, except to say it was very different from Roosevelt. Sam was telling us about how relaxed the rules were and how many famous people went there.

I poured everyone another round of spiked punch and finished the pitcher into Anna's glass. I excused myself to get more from the kitchen, Emma told me there was another in the fridge. I stepped inside the house, closing the sliding door behind me. I heard voices and realized that I had forgotten that Noah and Travis stepped inside a while ago and hadn't returned. As I neared the kitchen I caught a few snippets of their conversation. Travis was contemplating telling Emma something.

"No." I heard Noah tell him firmly.

They stopped talking as soon as I stepped into the kitchen.

"What's up, guys?" I asked, opening the fridge to grab the pitcher.

"Nothing, we were just coming back out too. Right, Travis?" Noah said.

"Noah, I think we need to tell her" Travis whispered loudly to Noah, ignoring both of Noah's previous comments. Noah shook his head, not replying to Travis as he pushed off of the counter and walked back outside.

"Tell her what?" I asked Travis. I didn't mean to pry, but he did bring it up in front of me. Travis's eye darted around the room, not meeting mine and he ran a hand through his hair.

"You should ask Noah, I don't think he wants me to tell anyone" Travis replied, sounding genuinely apologetic. He seemed pretty conflicted and upset about whatever it was that he couldn't tell me. I nodded understandingly and we joined everyone else on the patio. Although I was curious as to what secret they were keeping from Emma, I decided not to pry any further.

I refilled everyone's drinks and sat back down at the table. Chloe was telling an embarrassing story from her old school in Ohio, but I couldn't pay attention to my girlfriend as my mind wandered back to what happened in the kitchen. Was Travis in love with her? Did something happen with her trial?

After we finished the last pitcher, we decided to head to the party. Emma said that the party tonight was more casual, so the girls didn't dress as many as they did last night. I decided on another button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to my elbows. We piled into Emma's familiar car and her driver took us downtown, stopping in front of a high rise building. I followed everyone else inside and we took the elevator to the top floor. I noticed that Travis kept giving Noah pointed looks, which Noah promptly ignored. What was going on?

The elevator opened to a breathtaking rooftop. There were string lights hanging from above, there was a bar along one side with couches and tables scattered along the other. It was already pretty busy as we stepped onto the roof. Emma was right about the view, it was incredible; the lights from the skyline seemed to brighten the entire city around us. We got drinks and walked around the rooftop lounge, taking in the people and view around us.

Chloe pulled on my arm, "OMG, Luke look who is over there! That's Marcie! I'm going to ask for a picture, I'll be right back!" I had no idea who Marcie was or where Chloe had even pointed. Chloe must have realized that because she was already walking away before I could say anything.

I turned back to the rest of our group, Emma was introducing us to some of her friends. I couldn't help but keep an eye on Travis and noticed him glancing around nervously, like he was looking for someone. I wanted to ask him what he was hiding from Emma, but decided against it yet again. I thought that I would just try to keep an eye on Emma instead and it seemed like Noah had the same idea. He had disappeared right when we arrived, but since his sudden reappearance, he hadn't left Emma's side.

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