D-RoB Chapter 3. Night Problems.

Start from the beginning

She didn't pay much attention to it as she sat and played with the thing in her hands.

She had leaned against Shadow on the floor and Shadow had taken the opportunity to place her head in the girl's lap.

"I can't just let this be in the bag. Hiccup will find it at some point." She told the Night Fury who roared in agreement.

"But where to hide it." She turned the gears at its bottom, making it's crystal change color.

She looked around her room, which looked a lot like Hiccup's. Her desk were covered with drawings of different dragons and people.

The cover on her bed were poorly hanging from it and touched the ground as she didn't care about how it looked.

"Under the bed?" She asked Shadow, who let out a tired growl, telling her no.
"The drawer?" She asked, pointing at her desk. Shadow she her head lazily.

Y/n hummed as she thought of where to put it, her eyes caught on to the chest in the corner of her room.

As she stood up Shadow complained to herself about her leaving making the girl let out a little giggle, she opened the chest, seeing it filled with old drawings and books.

Some where hers and some she had carried with her from her old village, some drawings were even her, drawn by her mother.

"No one will suspect something like this being with a bunch of drawings." She stated, beginning to move the books and drawings out so she could get the stolen device in the bottom of the chest.

"There." She said as she placed it inside, she carefully placed some books above the device before carelessly throwing down the rest of the books.

About to do the same thing with drawings when one made her stop in her tracks. The one picture that meant the world to her.

The drawing held her mother standing on the right with a soft smile and her hair falling perfectly around her face, her father standing on the left, a grin on his face as he glanced towards his wife.

At last, in the middle, were little Y/n being lifted up by her parents while she laughed from the fun she had.

Y/n let her hand go over her mother's face, remembering the moment clearly. One of the few moments she remembered with her mother along with her happy father.

Before everything went wrong. Before she died and her father blamed her.

She smiled at the memory and placed the drawing to the side while filling the chest with the rest of them, finally done, she took the drawing in her hand and went to her desk. Smiling as she pinned it to the wall.

"Goodnight, Mom. Goodnight, Dad." She said before walking to Shadow, who had heated her rock up, she didn't feel like sleeping alone on her bed, she wanted to be close to someone, that being Shadow was no problem.

When the dragon saw her going towards her, she opened her wings for her. Y/n smiled and laid down, Shadow pulled her closer with her paws, holding her close as she wrapped her wings around them both.

"Goodnight, Shadow." Y/n could feel her eyes getting heavy, the last thing she heard were the dragon's low, soft growl before the sleep took her.

~No one's P.O.V~

"Y/n. Y/n, wake up!" Hiccup shook Y/n while Toothless tried to wake his sister up, but they wouldn't budge.

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