one | introduction

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Chapter One
" Brenda had the fucking audacity to STAB ME! "

Things To Know
Y/N - Your Name
N/N - Your Nickname

E/C - Eye color/s
H/C - Hair color/s

S/N - Species (because HELL) (i.e ~ Spider Demon, Werewolf)
F/C - Favorite Color/s

not checked for errors)

  Perspective. | Third Person

Y/n sighed as she was feeling bored. She looked at the chalkboard, which had homework on it. It was Mathematics. " Fuck this. Hey, Jenny, wanna just skip this? ", She asked as she looked over at Jenny. Her ginger hair sparkled in the sunset s she looked at Y/n with a bright smile. " Fuck yeah! ", Jenny replied, throwing her arms in the air.  And so, they began packing up. They put their bags on their backs as they smirked at each other. " On three. One, "
" Two, ", Jenny continued
" Three~!  " , They exclaimed in union as the ran through the classroom's sliding doors. Their teacher groaned as he sat on his desk. " Every damn time.. ", He muttered.

Meanwhile, Y/n and Jenny were walking home. They lived across from each other. So, once Y/n was at Jenny's house, she went to cross the road to her house. " Y/n, watch out! ", Jenny exclaimed.
Y/n looked in the direction of Jenny's parents' car, which made a sharp turn as they saw her in the road.  Luckily, there was no crash. Y/n sighed in relief as she got across the road. Brenda, her sister, stood at the doorway, pissed. Brenda was like a drunk boyfriend to Y/n. She'd actually try making moves on the poor girl.
" You're late.. We both know what punishment that is~ ", Cooed Brenda as she held up a paper. It was sins and their punishments.
God, Y/n was pissed by this. Brenda's actions led Y/n to have a mental breakdown as she stabbed her bullies. Not only that, but she threw her youngest sister, Aria, off of the balcony. Brenda's punishments became more severe after that. Just because, ' She killed a future victim '.  As Y/n stepped into the house, she screamed as she felt something sharp pierce her stomach. She looked down. She was bleeding from her stomach as she held her guts that were falling out. She looked at Brenda who was laughing devilishly. She felt weak and tired as she fell to the ground. Her S/C skin becoming more pale.  Y/n then laid there lifeless.

Y/n's E/C eyes fluttered open.  A slight headache quickly kicked in. She ignored it. She was more concerned about where she was. She remembers walking home with Jenny.  Meanwhile, a faint voice was announcing Y/n's arrival.   A whistle was heard. " Hey~ ", A voice cooed. It was somewhat hoarse. Y/n looked around as her ears (if u have any uwu) twitched.  " You're really... sexy.. You know. ", Another voice said. Y/n rolled her eyes she she stood up. Then she noticed. One was a cat that was a gold color and the other one.. What even was he? He's indescribable!

Better question... Where was she!?  She looked up at the sky. It was no longer its beautiful blue. Now, it was red! Y/n seemed to have forgotten the weirdos in the alleyway she was in. Then she looked down to see them inches away. Y/n sighed as she made a beeline for some random hotel. It was the Happy Hotel, wasn't it..? While running, Y/n realized the weird looking animals. So if they were those, what was she?  Y/n sighed gain as she knocked on the hotel's doors, almost banging. A blonde quickly opened the door. A wide smile grew on her face at the sight of a possible visitor. " Hello! Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! I'm Charlie, the princess of hell. ", Charlie said. Y/n widened her E/C eyes as she shook Charlie's hand.
" Hi. I'm Y/N and I really need to stay here! ", Y/n said, " There are some random thugs following me around and I don't where where I-- Wait, I'm in hell? ". Charlie snickered as she nodded. The girls stepped into the hotel, where other people were standing/sitting.
" That's Vaggie! ", Charlie said. She pointed at a girl with white hair. She looked angry, and honestly who can blame her? Then, " This is Angle Dust. He's kinda flirty.. ", She glared at the spider-demon.

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