Chapter 20: Falling Light

Start from the beginning

Obeying, you took steps backward until your back hit the cell wall. They raised their knife, DETERMINATION burning bright in their (E/C) eyes.

They brought their knife down on the bars hard.

The bars exploded into billions of pixels before your very eyes, making you jump and press harder against the cell wall. Even the pink blobs seemed to have been scared, since they receded into the walls and disappeared. For a split second you couldn't even hear the prisoners screaming.

(N/N) sneered, "As fun as it is to see you cowering against a wall, we kinda have to leave." A little shaky, you pried yourself off of the wall and hopped over any remaining cell bar remains.

For a moment, you felt a flash of doubt. You peered up at them, whispering, "Are you sure this will work..?"

They rolled their eyes. "Listen, kid. I'm only doing this because-because Love makes you do stupid things." You raised an eyebrow. They flushed a little. "Really stupid. But... I'm willing to do stupid things. For Love."

You sighed a little, nodding your head slightly. "I suppose that makes sense." They then proceeded to lead you out of the dungeons, seemingly oblivious to the haunting screams bouncing off of the cold walls. You rubbed your sweater against your arms, trying to bring warmth to both your body and your mind. After a few minutes of trekking through the dark dungeon, you caught sight of the entrance.

Your face lit up. Yes! Freedom! Dream!!

Moments later however, you shrunk back into yourself. Any of the bad Sanses could be around. You could be caught-(N/N) too-and be thrown in an even worse place. Your pace slowed a little and you hugged the scarf tighter around you. Your fingers suddenly were fiddling with the ends-a very Dream like thing to do.

"OK, what're you worried about?"

Jumping a little, you barely met their sharp (E/C) eyes. It was a little scary how someone that was almost exactly like you could do that. You twisted your hair around your finger, breaking eye contact. A slightly awkward and tense silence case over the two of you.

A few minutes of walking passed. Despite their time in this castle, they seemed to know their way around fairly well. For the briefest of moments you remembered how Dream had so daringly shown your around the Sanctuary. Under your breath, you blurted, "I miss Dream."

(N/N) whirled around, snapping, "What?"

You remained quiet for a few seconds before continuing. "I-I miss him. Dream. I... I enjoyed his company and... and his funny little jokes. How he always made me happy. He enjoyed me too, I think. I just felt... safe, around him. He taught me the trick you know. The trick to drive away Fear. I wonder how he's doing now..." It all spilled out of you in an instant.

A shot of empathetic pain flew across (N/N)'s face, though it was gone in an instant.

Or, at least, that's what you thought had happened.

They sighed. "I miss him too." Your eyes flashed up to theirs, confused. "Not Dream-Nightmare. The Nightmare that only I know about, apparently. He's being controlled by this... this Darkness. I didn't even realize how much I loved him until he-"

They tripped over their words, eyes slightly glossed. You were overwhelmed with the kindly instinct to help them. But something out of the corner of your eye moved.

You froze.

Tapping their shoulder, you said, "(N-N/N)?" They were lurched out of their thoughts and whirled around, almost taking your arm off. Your hand was slightly shaky as you continued, "There's someone coming..."

~ 𝙳𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚢 ~     [𝐷𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟]Where stories live. Discover now