Chapter 20: Falling Light

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Closing your eyes, you tried your best to focus on any sort of happy memories left in your mind. This time, you aimed for non-Dream related thoughts.

In a flash, you thought about your universe. There were plenty of happy memories there. Your mother, your father, Sans, Frisk, Ms. Toriel... All of them loved you so dearly. Or from what they told you. Not that it mattered; you could still recall hundreds of memories with them.

Once, Ms. Toriel had come over for your birthday with her legendary butterscotch pie. Although this wasn't surprising, the fact that she actually talked to Mr. Asgore was very shocking. The two hadn't really talked a lot since the monsters were freed from the Underground. After the birthday party, she'd told you that she would have never spoken to him without your help. It made you feel bubbly and happy inside.

There was also the time when Sans and Papyrus had told you stories about the Underground. Every tale was intriguing, although Sans sometimes said something that felt... out of place. Yet he still retained his joker demeanor, ensuring that you had a good time when he told his stories. They made you feel curious and lucky.

Frisk was always there for you. They were always there when you needed them most, and was always open to new ideas. Even when other people tried acting unfair or discriminating against monsters, they were always there to help. They were, in a way, your idol.

But you knew who your real idol was.

Cracked open your eyes a little, you were more than surprised to see that your SOUL had come out of hiding and was now hovering in front of you. A silvery-gold lining covered the outside, almost like a little shield or wall. The pink things hissed in protest.

Is this how I protect myself..?

Letting your shoulders relax, you allowed the magic to flow through you. When you thought about it more, the magic seemed to seep into your very veins and flow thought your body. Was this the power that Dream had given you? Was this his power? You didn't know, but the feeling made you feel safe.

Your thoughts drifted through multiple subjects as you fell into an almost sleep. Thoughts of your smiling mother and hard-working father raced past as you filed each memory away in its proper place. You didn't hear the screams of people in the other cells anymore.

You didn't even hear footsteps coming down the hall.


Almost instantly, your defenses stuttered. A tendril of pink attempted to snap at you, but you only increased your aura. It wasn't until then that you realized that your fists were clenched in deep focus. A bright light drove the demon away.


Wait a second. You knew that voice. It sounded a lot like your own. Letting out a hum of surprise, you turned to come face-to-face with none other than (N/N) themself. You perked up, feeling suddenly giddy with hope before it was smothered again when you remembered whose side they were on. "(N/N)? Is that you? Are you here to-"

"-save you? I guess." They moved their shoulders up and down as if it was as easy as breathing. "That's the only way we're going to get out of here alive, anyways."

We're? Smiling with quite a bit of effort, you pushed yourself to your feet. The light barrier didn't waver, giving the pink blobs no chance to break through. Your doppelgänger blinked in what was-could it be?-interest.

Of course, you were still trapped. But (N/N) had a plan for you. They murmured something under their breath before the knife you didn't notice they had in their hand glowed crimson. Your eyes widened, afraid they were going to do something rash. They only smirked, saying, "May want to step back."

~ 𝙳𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚢 ~     [𝐷𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟]Where stories live. Discover now