Chapter 5

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(Hell POV)
I've been crying for an hour or to blood got all over my red bed sheet luckily it was barely noticeable.I finally stoped crying and thought it may be a good idea to change out of these bloody clothes, I went over to the droor but something was off I kept feeling like some one was watching me but it didn't concern me all I needed to do was to get changed. I lifted up my shirt to see the scratches and scars left by Claude.
"How am I supposed to explain why I was yawn the reapers already hate demons."
I continue and once I was changed J flopped back on to the bed. I started thinking about bassy and how everyone is saying demons and reapers can not be lovers. That was enough of a trigger, I felt a tear roll down my face. I was about to fall asleep until I hear a loud thud.
"Who's there?"
I felt a sharp pain in my arm I looked over to see Claude pearling a knife in to my arm. I rolled trying to get away but I forgot where I was and fell on the floor.
"I told you red, to stay away from him"
He put his foot on my back preventing me from moving freely.
"Ya and I didn't go anywhere near my dear bassy"
He stomped on my back hard causing me to whimper
"Do not call him bassy it sounds like a couples name, and he when looking for you witch means you did something"
"N-no you got to believe me!"
I started crying once again, I just wanted bassy to like me not even in a loving type way I just want him to except me for who I was.
"I told you not to go near him"
He stomped repeatedly on a spot on my back
I felt my self falling in to unconsciousness

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