Chapter 2

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Sebastian POV
I was exhausted after al day of waiting on my lord and trying to fix all the other problems around the manor.I was on my was to deliver a nice pot of tea to the young lord, when I heard glass braking in a room I peaked my head in an saw Meyrin
"Oh Sebastian I didn't mean it I was trying to clean the top of the shelf when the plates fell I am most deeply sorry"
She bowed down to me. oh great just another mess .for me to cleanup I have no time.
"Meyrin can you handle cleaning this up by yourself?"
"Yes sir, I can do it!"
I began walking back down the hallway. Oh look the tea is getting cold I better hurry. I hurried up and said my good night to the lord and went back down the hall. I went to my room there was nothing in it but the normal things like a bed and closet. I layed in bed not sleeping though just laying there eyes wide open. I could hear soft purrs and meows of a cat out side. I felt like something was missing but what was it? I sat there thing of why it maybe and I narrowed down a list of what it might be first off we recently had a few trees cut down in the front of the Mansion
And there hasn't been a lot of cat around lately I've had to shew them off because of the young lords allergies or he last thing was Grell hasn't been around for a week or maybe even a month. I'm starting to get concerned I would never say this to her face but it's been lonely with out her I'm starting to miss her. I stood up and stared out of the window.

Grell x SebastianNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ