After I was finished drying out a few glass cups I scan the room to see not much people here. I look up into the windows where the important people would be at and see that it's only the capos and not the leaders.

I can't be so sure about that hence the ball happening in two weeks. They have to have a look at the fighters to make a game out of them.

It's something I quickly picked up on in coming to work here. The top bosses only like to have a bit of fun not caring who gets hurt.

"Whiskey" I hear the familiar voice of the Rookie say.

I get him his whiskey and see him down it in one chug not even making a face.

"Your not scheduled in for tonight" I state washing off the now empty whiskey glass.

He doesn't say anything. He just continues on looking at the fight ignoring me. At this I roll my eyes and watch the fight.

Rusher against Ace. Ace is a pretty good fighter, not as cocky, mean punches and kicks, and unpredictable to those who don't pay enough attention.

That's why he's with the Mexican mafia. Rusher is with the Spaniards.

"Ace is with the Mexican. Not as cocky as the other fighters if you ask me. He is a good fighter and very good at analyzing people" I inform and I see his eye flicker at me with curiosity before returning to watch the fight.

That's when I notice the golden ring around his neck. The golden ring representing the Italian mafia.

"You caught the eyes of the Italians" I muse still looking at the ring in curiosity.

What are they playing at? They haven't chosen a new fighter in almost 4 years.

"How do you know?" He ask finally looking at me with interest.

I show him my chain that's similar to his except mine has different detailing in it. I only use this chain to make everyone believe that I have protection from the Italians.

"I would have suggested for you to back out before you made a deal with any of them but I guess it's far too late now" I say scanning the room until my eyes land in his.

His eyes are like honey. A verily light shade of honey that I would gladly get lost in any day if it weren't for the circumstances we are in now.

I don't know his actual name nor do I know what hides behind the mask.

"How did you end up behind the bar and not in the ring?" He ask and I laugh to myself at that.

It's not because I am the daughter of not only the leader of the Italian mafia nor the adoptive daughter of the once second in command for the Mexican mafia.

I got kicked out when I was 17. Not a single dollar to my name, only the clothes I had on that day and not a single contact from them. I had to fend for myself after that. Since I didn't know anything outside of the mafia world, I decided to start underground fighting to survive.

It's something far more then that.

"That's a story for another time" I say serving him another glass of whiskey.


"How did you end up in New York?" I ask after a while.

He starts to play around with the whiskey just moving it around.

"I was born and raised here but I moved for a while and well now here I am" He says and I nod slowly.

After that the conversation just died down. He just stayed watching the rest of the fights while I tended the bar.

An hour before we started to close I saw him leave. There is something about that guy that seems off.

I shake off the feeling and start wiping down my area with a wet cloth.

"Have you heard about the new guy?" I hear some wrestlers say settling down at my bar.


"Yes, him. Guess who's eye he caught?"


"The Italians"

"No way!"

"Guess what news I also heard?"


"Thalia is coming back for the ball" At those words I tense up.

How the hell did they find out?


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