Chapter 30- A Happy Family

Start from the beginning

The others laughed.

"Well, you still have two feet", Lightning pointed out with a chuckle. "That'll keep you happy till you're twenty-one."

"Yeah!" Fudge agreed.

"Oh, I hope she is not twenty-one anytime soon!" Luigi exclaimed. "She is my baby and she is already growing up too fast!"

"Well for now", Sally piped up, "let's just let Fudgie enjoy being six."

"Yeah!" everyone agreed.

"Got your breakfast right here, honey!" Flo announced, carrying a plate and dropping it in front of the girl. "Chocolate chip pancakes with ice cream and strawberries! Happy birthday, Fudge!"

"Thank you! Yum, yum!" Chocolate chip pancakes with ice cream and strawberries was a favourite of Fudge's and Flo only ever made it for her on special occasions. Normally, that meant either Fudge's birthday or anytime she was really upset. Like they day after the social workers arrested her whole family and Fudge learned that her mother abandoned her. She got those special pancakes for breakfast that morning.

Everyone smiled.

"I get the feeling Fudge is gonna be spoilt rotten today", Lightning commented.

"Yep", Doc agreed with a smirk. "We spoil her every day, but especially on her birthday, Christmas and Fudge Day."

"Fudge Day?" Lightning repeated. "What's Fudge Day?"

"We celebrate the day Luigi and Guido officially adopted her. Fudge Day's in November."

"Oh, that's nice", Lightning remarked.

"Ready?" Flo prompted everyone. "One, two, three..."

Everyone began to sing, "Happy Birthday" to Fudge, who just laughed happily.

"We done got you lots of presents!" Mater announced, bringing forward a mountain of presents.

"Wow!" Fudge gasped, running forwards. "These are all for me?!"

"Yes. These are all for you", Luigi assured her.

"Wow!" she squealed, lunging for a present at the top of the pile.

Her presents mainly consisted of clothes, toys and books. As usual, Fudge loved all of her presents.

"I think we have one more present for you, Fudgie!" Luigi announced some time later. "Well, it is some smaller presents that lead up to one big one."

Fudge glanced up curiously. Luigi brought forward a series of wrapped presents.

"Grazie!" She tore open the smallest one to reveal a silver and blue backpack. "Nice backpack."

"And here is the other one." Luigi gave it to her.

This one turned out to be a sky blue suitcase.

"Oh, I like the blue!" Fudge declared.

"Now, Fudgie", Luigi began, taking her hand, "what do you think these are for?"

"Packing!" Fudge replied triumphantly, throwing her hands up in the air.

"That is right!" Luigi responded. "You pack these for a vacation... And is there anywhere you want to go for vacation?"

Fudge thought. She had a place in mind, but she didn't wanna say it.

"Didn't you always say you wanted to go to Italy?!" Luigi quizzed her.

She nodded. "Yeah!"

"We are going!" Luigi announced.

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