Chapter 5- When Fudge Met Sally

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As you may have guessed by the title, this story is about Sally's arrival in Radiator Springs, which I kind of imagine takes place two years before the events of the first movie, so... yeah... I know I mentioned Sally in the previous chapter, but I wanted to include this part too.

I personally don't think this one is that great and you'll see why when you read it.

Chapter 5: When Fudge Met Sally

24th May 2004

"We going to Flo's, we going to Flo's?!" a three-going-on-four-year-old Fudge questioned, bouncing up and down ecstatically.

Luigi laughed. "Yes, we are going over to Flo's", he assured her, "but we need to get your shoes and your magnets on first!" The little human girl was so excited that she couldn't keep still, making it harder for her fathers to put her shoes on (she needed help with her shoes because she didn't know how to tell left and right apart yet). She also wore a belt, gloves, shoulder and knee pads, which contained magnets, so if she was sat on someone's hood or roof, she wouldn't fall off as soon as they started to drive. Plus, it was useful when she slept on Luigi's hood, which she often did when she was scared (now more than ever due to her nightmares). She didn't wear them all the time, but they found it useful to keep them near her at all times

"(And I think you will want this!)" Guido added, holding up Fudge's pacifier.

Fudge lit up as Guido placed the pacifier into her mouth. "Grazie!"

The whole town was in disbelief over how fast Fudge was growing up. She was gonna be four in less than a month. The human no longer looked like a baby. She just looked like a little person. She didn't even talk like a baby anymore. She was babbling away and could speak both English and Italian. In fact, with the amount of time she spent with Luigi and Guido, she had an American-Italian accent, which the others adored. Plus, when she'd turned three, she had moved out of Guido's room and into her own bedroom (Luigi's old office). Both she and Guido struggled with the separation at first, but almost a year on, they had both long since adjusted.

Now that she was ready, Luigi scooped Fudge up. "Okay. Let's go!"

Even though there was never any traffic in Radiator Springs, Luigi, being extremely overprotective, kept her on a leash and the townsfolk had gotten Fudge into the habit of checking to make sure the road was safe before she crossed.

"Why?" Fudge had asked on many occasions. "It's always safe."

"But what if it's not?" her family had reasoned. "We don't want you getting hurt."

On that particular morning, once she determined that the road was safe, Fudge followed Luigi and Guido across the street to Flo's. When they arrived, everyone glanced up from their oil to greet the youngest member of their family.

"Mornin', Fudge!"

"Howdy, Fudge!"

"How ya doin', Fudge?!"

Fudge grinned. She loved the attention she received when she arrived at Flo's every morning.

"Does Fudgie want some juice?" Flo questioned with a smile.

Fudge jumped up and down excitedly. "Juice, juice, juice, juice!"

Flo laughed. "All right. I'll go and get it."

It didn't take long for Fudge to grow bored. The adults were all talking about everything from politics to the weather to "the game last night". Nothing she understood or cared about. Where was Flo with her juice?

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