Chapter 21- Goodbye

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I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Even though, it's really sad.

Chapter 21- Goodbye

"Is that what I think it is?!" Flo called out.

Sally sighed, nuzzling Lightning. "I don't know, Flo. I haven't had a chance to find out, but I am going to find out. Hello."

"Not that!" Flo corrected her. "That!"

She gestured down the road where they saw...

"Customers?!" Sally gasped at the sight of the wall of headlights.

Everyone was excited. Except for one. Fudge was really nervous. She'd never seen so many people before. She wondered if there were any humans among the crowd. Maybe they would stay and she could stay in Radiator Springs.

"Customers, everybody!" Flo shouted. "And a lot of 'em! You know what to do! Just like we rehearsed!"

Out of nowhere, a bright light shone down on Lightning. Fudge whimpered and tried to get back to Luigi and Guido.

"It's the Ghostlight!" Mater shouted.

"Papà?" Fudge whimpered. "Babbo?"

"We have found McQueen!" a helicopter, who turned out to be the owner of the light announced. "We have found McQueen!"

Before anybody really knew what was going on, a flood of cars came pouring through the town. More than Fudge had ever seen in her entire life! And most of them had cameras, which were setting off the brightest lights the child had ever seen every few seconds or were yelling out questions to Lightning. Worst of all, she was trapped in the middle of the crowd. She couldn't see anybody she knew. She was lost.

"Papà?!" she called out. "Babbo?!"

If they replied, she couldn't hear it.

"PAPÀ!" she screamed. "BABBO!"

Still no reply. Fudge wanted to cry.

But she didn't. She just stood there, looking around fearfully for someone she knew. Finally, it wasn't easy, but she managed to spot Lightning. He was at the centre of attention, but, for once, he didn't wanna be. He was calling out to Sally. There was no way Fudge was gonna be able to get to him. Not with all of those reporters around him. Still, she had to try.

"Lightning?!" Fudge called out, squeezing past a bunch of cars to try and get to the race car.

Next thing she knew, a microphone was being shoved in her face.

"What has Lightning McQueen been doing during his time here?!" a reporter asked her.

It took the little girl a couple of seconds to adjust to the bright lights as at least a dozen cameras flashed constantly right in her eyes. She was surrounded by cars, all yelling questions and taking pictures of her. It was all extremely overwhelming.

Once she'd somewhat recovered, she pointed to the road. "He broke the road! He had to stay here and fix it!"

"Why did you make a race car fix your road?!" another reporter wanted to know. "Why couldn't anyone else here have done it?"

"He had to, he had to! He broke it, so he had to fix it!" Fudge explained. "If he beat Doc in a race, he could leave, but he didn't! He fell into the cactuses!"

"Doc?" the first reporter repeated. "Doc Hudson?"

Fudge nodded. "Yeah. How do you know Doc? Did you know he was a race car?"

"He was the one who tipped us off", a third reporter replied. "Told us McQueen was here", he added at the child's confused expression.

Wait. Doc told them Lightning was in Radiator Springs. How? When? Why?

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