Chapter 14- The Other Side

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Chapter 14- The Other Side

Guido and Luigi both fell asleep shortly after Fudge. They didn't get to sleep for long, though. It was only about ten, fifteen minutes before they heard it. Fudge was screaming again. They knew. She was having another nightmare. Neither of them wasted a second springing into action, hurrying into their daughter's bedroom.

As they expected, Fudge was sat in bed, bawling her eyes out.

"Oh, Fudgie!"

"It was really bad!" she wailed.

"Was there something different about this one?" Luigi wondered since all of them seemed pretty bad. There was no need for Fudge to tell them that.

"I... I... got sent away from Radiator Springs!" Fudge sobbed. "And I had to live with... with that mean race car! He... all he did to me was push me into walls all day and shove needles into me! I was so scared! I know I won't end up with him because I'll end up with humans, but... But what if they are mean to me?" She cried harder.

Pretty soon, the only sound that could be heard throughout Casa Della Tires was Fudge crying. Luigi and Guido often found it hard to know what to say to her when she had these nightmares. She was going to leave. There was nothing they could say or do to change that. Or make it easier for her. All they could do was hold her and let her cry and hold back their own tears. If Fudge saw them cry, it would only make things worse.

Again, the two Italians fell asleep over their daughter's bed, but they were gone by the time Fudge woke up. Sunlight poured through the five-year-old's curtains and the first thing she heard was the sound of Mater laughing outside.

"Fudgie!" Luigi called ecstatically. "Come and look at this!"

Still in pyjamas, the little girl ran outside where the rest of the townsfolk were and she couldn't believe what she saw.

A road. A perfectly shiny and smooth stretch of road. Fudge placed her feet on it tentatively. It was the smoothest surface she had ever felt in her short life. She could even see her reflection in it! She couldn't believe it. Not just the surface of the road, but how Lightning was the one who did it! It was hard to believe that this was the same car! Maybe they were starting to see another side of him...

"E bellissima!" Luigi exclaimed. "It's beautiful! Guido, Fudge, look! It's like it was paved by angels! Oh!"

"It is nice!" Fudge agreed. "And I'm an angel!"

Luigi giggled and kissed her. "Yes you are!"

"Boy, I tell you what!" Mater shouted as he looped across the road. "I bet even the roads on the moon ain't this smooth!"

Pretty soon, the whole town was enjoying the smoothness of the new road.

"Guido! Fudgie!" Luigi called excitedly as Mater towed him across the smooth asphalt. "Look at Luigi!" He let go and started spinning around. "This is fantastico!"

Everyone was having a great time until...

"Hey, Luigi!" Lizzie called as she rolled past. "This new road makes your place look like a dump!"

Luigi groaned. "That crazy old devil woman!" But then he got teary as he realised the truth of her words. "She's right! Guido!"

"Poor Papà!" Fudge gave him the biggest hug that she could.

Luigi smiled. "It is okay, baby. We will fix this place up."

"Can I help?"

Luigi's smile expanded. "If you want to, Fudge."

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