Chapter 14- The Other Side

Start from the beginning

"Yay!" she cheered.

"Hey, sweetie!" Sally greeted Fudge warmly a couple of hours later once everyone had headed off home after enjoying the new road. "How's your head?"

"Better!" she answered happily.

"But she had another nightmare last night", Luigi chimed in.

"Poor baby!" Sally gave her a kiss.

"But I'm okay now!" Fudge insisted with a yawn.

"But you are tired", Luigi pointed out, scooping her up.

"Yes she is", Sally agreed.

"Well, I think this one needs to get to bed, so she can take a nap", Luigi announced as Fudge leaned against him heavily, yawning loudly. Now, that she was nearly six, they were trying to get Fudge out of the habit of taking naps, but it was hard when she wasn't sleeping at night due to her horrific nightmares. So, they figured that letting her have them occasionally if she really had to couldn't hurt.

Sally smiled. "Well, she's already in her pyjamas."

"Come on, Fudgie." Luigi carried her off to bed.

So, Fudge slept for a couple of nightmare-free hours and when she woke up, she found Guido and Luigi getting paint and soapy water, which they were going to use to fix up their store.

"Can I help?" she asked again.

Guido and Luigi both smiled at her. "Do you want to help, Fudge?" the latter questioned.

She nodded eagerly.

"Okay..." He found a really old shirt for her to wear if she was gonna be doing a messy project. It was so big that it looked like a dress on her. Luigi put it on his daughter over her pyjamas and then the three of them got to work.

Guido and Luigi weren't a hundred per cent sure if Fudge would enjoy washing the windows with Luigi. Still, they didn't particularly want her doing the painting since they were worried that more paint would end up on the ground or their daughter than the store. It didn't matter, anyway. Fudge was perfectly happy to help Luigi.

"Oh, Guido!" Sally exclaimed from behind them. "E bellissimo!"

Guido stopped. "Che cosa?"

"It looks great!" Sally informed him. "This is great!"

"Ah! Ti piace, eh? Si, si, bellissimo!"

"Si, si, bellissimo!" Fudge echoed as she and Luigi came out of the shop.

Guido smiled and gave her a big kiss.

"Have you been helping, Fudgie?" Sally asked. She had noticed the little girl was wearing her work shirt and it was soaking wet from helping Luigi.

Fudge beamed and nodded. "I'm a good helper!" she announced proudly.

"I'll bet you are!" Sally laughed.

"Si", Guido agreed, kissing his daughter again.

Fudge kissed him back.

Once they had finished fixing up their store, all three residents admired their work. It looked awesome!

"We did a good job!" Fudge declared.

Luigi smiled. "Yes we did."

Fudge took off the shirt, grabbed Ducky and ran down the road with him on a quest to find Mater. She spotted the race car, hooked up to Bessie once again and paving the road. He had cacti all over him.

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