Chapter 2- Unexpected Joy (Part 2)

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Not much point to this one, but I didn't want to get straight into the official adoption. So, this is just a filler. Unfortunately, I had very few ideas for it.

Chapter 2: Unexpected Joy (Part 2)

Within a few weeks, everyone in Radiator Springs felt like Fudge had always been with them in some ways. She fit into their little family that easily, but in other ways, she still felt new and exciting because that was exactly what she was. She had brought so much unexpected joy to her new foster family, who loved her more than life itself.

Of course, the happiest residents of the small town were Guido and Luigi. Every time they caught a glimpse of Fudge; held her or even had to change her diaper, they seemed completely euphoric. They really were proud new parents.

"I keep expecting I am going to wake up and find out she is all just a dream!" Luigi exclaimed repeatedly, mostly while he either held her or took photos of her. (He and Guido took a lot of photos of her doing just about everything she could do, which wasn't much at her age, and wearing every single outfit she owned) "I hope not; I do not know what I would do without her now! She is such an angel!"

Even though Luigi and Guido were this little girl's foster fathers and so, of course, they were the ones who did the most to take care of her, that didn't mean everyone else just sat back and watched. The other residents took whatever time they could get with their little angel, often relieving her parents of tasks such as feeding her or changing her. The only exception was Mater; while he did care for Fudge, the others were too afraid to let the clumsy, childish and loud-mouthed tow truck help out too much. Besides, he declared that changing diapers was gross and refused to do it.

For the most part, Guido and Luigi were naturals when it came to parenting. In fact, they made it look easy. One night, Red went over to Casa Della Tires to find Luigi looking very perky as he cooked dinner.

"I just bathed Fudge and put her to bed!" he announced happily. "And she is so cute when she is asleep! I better fix her a bottle in case she wakes up during the night. Oh!" he exclaimed as an afterthought. "Then I need to call Mamma to tell her about Fudge! She has been asking about her."

"And you're not tired?" Red asked incredulously.

"No", Luigi replied, surprised.

"Wow! You just seem to have a lot of energy for someone who has a two-week-old baby", the fire truck commented. "I don't know how you do it. Neither does anyone else."

Luigi smiled. "It is nice to have something to do for a change. And I just love her so much! Besides, she is very easy to look after."

That was true. Fudge was a very happy baby and according to Luigi and Guido, she slept well every night, making it extremely easy to look after her. She didn't even cry all that much. Most of the time, she only cried when Mater held her. The tow truck didn't understand why the baby didn't seem to like him very much.

Red smiled too. "Well, we're all happy you're happy."

Of course, even though both Italians were excellent parents and Fudge was easy to look after, that didn't mean they nailed everything right away. Parenting wasn't always easy.

Fudge was only about two weeks old when she was fast asleep in Guido's room, which he and his daughter now shared (because he was a lighter sleeper than Luigi; the Fiat could sleep through World War Three). Her dads had just left the room to talk quietly. They'd easily be able to hear her if she woke up. They didn't even remember what they were talking about, but they knew when the conversation ended and they tried to go back and check on Fudge, the door wouldn't open.

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