The Innocent Nightstand Girlfriend

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By: tweety-src-clt9

The Innocent Nightstand Girlfriend

Harry knew that the sooner he got Hermione on board about the scheduled dinner with Dudley and his Aunt Petunia at their favorite Thai restaurant, Xahar, he will be able to formulate a better game plan. Really! It's just a simple problem, but well, when did he ever keep things uncomplicated? It could only go two ways. One, the easy route is to just come clean and admit to Dudley that he just pretended that Hermione is his girlfriend because of teenage angst and pettiness. Or, he could go the hard route which means that he must find a sneaky way to convince his female best friend to play along and help him keep up with the pretense.

Since he was Harry James Potter, bloody Boy Who Lived, slayer of Voldemort blah blah blah... naturally, he's decided on going with option two. He is determined to do anything just so Hermione would accompany him to dinner. After all, even if he and Dudley had come a long way from their petty and immature teenage years, he still cannot allow himself to lose face in front of Big D.

So, despite all the curious stares that follow him on his long walk towards the Department for the Care and Regulation of Magical Creatures, where Hermione's office is at, he trudged on. He could bloody ignore all the staring and the whispers even if he had to admit that it's rather annoying. Honestly! So, he got a one-week suspension. Big deal! He's here at the ministry to see Hermione and not to make a protest on the Head Auror's harsh sanction. He could only hope that the Daily Prophet would not sensationalize his visit to the ministry this morning.

If he would read a headline speculating about his alleged visit to contest his suspension tomorrow morning, then he's going to file a restraining order against Rita Skeeter and the rest of the bloody newspaper that she works for. Because really, is the fact that he got suspended even newsworthy?

At last, he finally reached the main door of Hermione's department. With a knock on the door, he waited. The person who opened the door was the department's secretary. He inwardly cringed. This witch is a bloody fangirl that every time he sees her, she lowers her neckline and bats her eyelashes at him.

"Oh! Hello, Auror Potter," the secretary said in a sultry voice that is truly painful to his ears because it sounded like an annoying shrill.

"Er, hi. I'm here to see Ms. Hermione Granger," he was direct to the point since he doesn't have the patience to tolerate her weak attempts at flirting.

"Oh... Well, just knock on her door," came the muttered reply. With a nod, he walked towards his best friend's office.

With three knocks, he waited for Hermione's answer.

"Please come in," she said.

The sight that greeted him was so adorably familiar that it gave him a sense of nostalgia. Hermione Granger was sitting behind her desk busily reading a long scroll of parchment. She had a quill on one hand as she occasionally writes notes on what he could only assume is another case she's working on. He was so proud that his idealistic and passionate best friend is now making a difference in her efforts to liberate and achieve equal rights for sentient beings and other magical creatures.

With her wild curly hair haphazardly tucked in a bun, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration, and the way she is nibbling on her bottom lip, he could tell that this case is another important one. But then again, Hermione Granger is the rising star of her department so the most crucial cases always fall on her lot. Since she is so focused on her work, she didn't even look up to see who was the person who entered her office.

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