Chapter 1

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It was a depressing day at the office Bassy is so cold hearted I love him very much but I know he will never return my love. He keeps turning his back on me and going with that little kid, yes that young lord has taken my love away from me. I sat at my seat not getting any work done. No one else thought a demon and a reaper would ever get together the all laughed at the thought. Reapers and demons where sworn enemies a demon would never fall in love with a reaper. I sat there thinking about why reaper hated demons so much, demon didn't care for reapers sorely  by reapers hated demons more than anything. I figured with my pen for a few as I drowned in my thoughts and fantasies of me and bassy. After a few hours when by I looked up from the pen to my seat relizing I have been siting here for a hole hour and haven't gotten a single paperwork filled out I scrambled threw the papers on my desk until I found a letter, I opened the letter

'Stop daydreaming about some stupid demon, like a demon would care for a reaper. He will never like you so stop staring and get back to work you have a job to do'.                                  -From William T Spears

When did Will come in my office? I could feel tears build up in my eyes. And soon engulf I began to cry I started to run out of the office flinging the door open and leaving the reaper place. As I was running I heard Ronald a good friend of mine call out for me
But I didn't listen I just ran home. Slamming the door to my roomI threw my self on to my bed and began to sob into he pillow
"I'm stupid Bassy will never love me. I've caused him engulf humiliation. I'd rather die than embarrass my sweet bassy."
I talked to my self over the sniffles and sobs of my tears.
"Maybe I should die not like any one would notice my absence"
But I remained there sobbing until after awhile of crying finally falling asleep.

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