Chapter 3

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Luke puffed out his cheeks, Calum stared off into space, Michael picked at his food, and Ashton, being Ashton, was smiling at the earth. Like Michael, I picked at my food, my eyes watching Katie. She was blushing uncontrollably and it took me a while to realize this but, Calum was staring at her.

I smirk, then speak, "so...did everyone have a good night last night?"

"Yeah! I ate some Pringles!" Ashton says gleefully. I think back to his saying from yesterday at school, "singler than a Pringle."

"That's nice, Ash. So, I heard you play the drums...I really dig drummers." Alice says. Ashton, still wearing his smile, looks down at his lunch tray with his face turning a bright red. My mouth gapes open, and I don't even realize it. Luke reaches over the table from his seat across from me, and pushes my lower jaw up, so my mouth is closed.

"Close your mouth, dear," he mouthed. I put my head down on the table. Ashton was sitting next to me, Alice was sitting across from him, next to Luke who was across from me (like I said before), Katie was next to me, sitting across from Calum, and Michael was sitting next to him.

I feel a poke on my hip, on Ashton's side.

"You alright?" He asks. I simply nod. I couldn't tell anyone (especially Alice and Ashton) that I have a slight crush on the curly-haired Australian.

"So, you guys are in a band. That's really nice," Alice said, fluttering her eyelashes at Ashton, flirting with him again.

"Yeah. It's really cool. You know what would be really cool? If you'd stop batting your stupid eyelashes at my best friend." Luke says. Everyone's jaw drops, even Alice's, but mine doesn't. Ashton is still really red in the face.

As she excuses herself to go to the bathroom, Alice's face turns a bright red like her died hair. Damn, there is a lot of blushing going on.

"You can open your mouth now, darling." Luke smirks. I can only imagine Alice, my best friend, on the verge of tears in the girls bathroom. At this point, I didn't care. I suddenly remember all of the hell she's put my through. All the things she's taken from me...but I'm not letting her steal Ashton.


Luke and I walk home together. We decided that he'd come over then we'd meet up with Katie, who was being picked up by Calum, and the other boys. Alice never talked to me or any of us for the rest of the day and certainly did not answer her phone calls.

"What was that little stunt you pulled in the cafeteria?" I ask Luke. He smirks.

"Don't play dumb with me. I see how you look at Ash. You want him, Aug. it's only a matter of time before...never mind." He replies, giving me a cliffhanger.

I stick out my bottom lip, pouting like a toddler, and fake cry. Luke laughs at me.

"Tell me!" I cry as he shakes his head no. I kick a rock.

"What ever. Do you just want to walk to the park now?" I ask. I get really frustrated when people don't finish their sentences. It makes me so mad.

"Yeah sure." He says, and we jay-walk across the street, heading the direction of the nearby park.

[A/N]: Yeah soo...this isn't Kenz. It's a friend. You can read my stories. I'm Ashton_is_bae25 just so you know. So, yeah. Love you guys<3~ ashton_is_bae25

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