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'For the last time, I did not hit you on purpose y/n,' Vulcan groans in pure frustration.

You huff and fold your arms over your chest glaring at the pink-haired man in front of you, 'so you're just saying I made this up. I felt something hit me in the head, and you're the only other person in the room.'

Vulcan stands up from his work desk and storms towards you, not menacingly but enough to make you take a step back, 'I did not hit you y/n.'

'How do I know you're telling the truth Vulcan?' you reply, standing your ground.

He backs you up against the wall, pinning his arms either side of your head trapping you, 'trust me y/n, if I had hit you on purpose, I would have done it a lot harder.'

You gulp nervously, 'I know something hit me Vulcan, I'm not making this up.'

Vulcan's face softens, seeing that you were distressed over the whole situation, and he might have overreacted. He'd been so busy building new equipment for the Company; he'd forgotten that you were relatively new around here and had come down to help him since you had some engineering experience. Captain Obi and Lieutenant Hinawa would have his head if he scared you off.

'Sorry if I scared you y/n, I guess I've been a little tense recently,' he says calmly, removing his arms from either side of your head.

You let out the breath you'd been holding, 'I shouldn't have jumped the gun and blamed you. But something in this room hit me in the head.'

Vulcan cracks a smile, 'I'll help you find the source, and then you can hit me. What do you say y/n?'

You can't help but smile back at him, 'you're not going to know what hit you Vulcan.'

The two of you turn the workspace upside down when you make a discovery right where you'd been standing earlier. You feel your cheeks blush as you realise you'd jumped the gun. A roof panel had fallen above you; there was a hole in the ceiling to prove it. Picking up the fallen panel, you turn sheepishly to face Vulcan and clear your throat.

'Err; I think I owe you an apology Vulcan.'

'What are you talking about—'he pauses, eyeing up the panel and then the hole, 'oh you've got to be kidding me.'

Wanting to ease the tension in the room, you waltz on over to him and smack him as hard as you can across the back of the head laughing, 'now we're even.'

He groans and rubs his head, 'I guess you're stronger than you look y/n. We should watch each other's backs in here; this place could fall apart on us any second now.'

You drop the panel and clap your hands together, 'so I can stay and help you?'

He nods, 'I guess your company isn't that bad, and you know what you're doing. I think we're going to be great friend's y/n.'

'I sense romance in the air,' Victor interjects from the doorway, before vanishing into thin air.

Well, now the tension was back, damn Victor and his inappropriate timing.

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