11-30-19 @brave_heart_324

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This is my interview with brave_heart_324 you can find her work here

I asked brave_heart_324 about herself, here's a quick description:
BH - I am an 18 year old student aspiring to be a teacher. I am from Romania and I am the author of The Kings Series. In my free time I like to write poems and listen to music. I absolutely love Céline Dion, Ed Sheeran and Jason Derulo. Alan Walker is life by the way. Totally love werewolves *cries* I want a mate too!

AH - Hey brave_heart_324 thanks for meeting with me! So, interestingly I found you through the hashtag #firststory. Your book "the dark alpha" was number 1 at the time so I figured there's no better way to start these interviews with a first story hit!
I know a lot of authors have been writing a while with limited success and they may wonder why they aren't seeing immediate results. So maybe we can demystify their concerns.
First off how long have you been writing?

BH - I have been writing for almost a year and a half on Wattpad and I can say that it was and it still is a beautiful experience! I have written four books which are a part of the Kings Series. The Series focus on four powerful kings and their children finding love and overcoming hardships. My first book, The Dark Alpha is a werewolf romance, while the other books involve vampires, fairies and witches. The books I am currently working on are Alpha's Warrior and When Stars Turn Crimson.

AH - A year and a half. A great example for those that are newer writers thinking it'll be overnight success. How long have you been working on The Dark Alpha?

BH - I am still working on The Dark Alpha. I make grammatical mistakes because English is not my first language and I always ask my readers to point out grammar mistakes, but for a year if you want a certain time.

AH - Still working on it. You've put a LOT of work into your stories that's for sure. Actually a year and a half of writing on wattpad, and a year on this book, is relatively quick success for where you're at. Would you mind telling us a bit about your writing process and style of writing?

BH - When I first started writing The Kings Series I was very insecure. I remember I was terrified to publish my first book, The Dark Alpha. I have read a lot of books here that are simply masterpieces and I always thought that I have nothing to offer. I couldn't write in the first POV, so I found it easier to write in the 3rd POV. Now when I read my books I realize that is what makes them unique. My writing style is changing though, in my other books I am attempting to write in the first POV and it goes really well. My writing style is simple I do not use complicated words, but it is very descriptive, because I like to portray thoughts and feelings.

AH - I think we all can relate to your feelings of insecurities. Thanks for sharing. I find it interesting that you're adapting your style, such as POV. Any challenges come with that? And why do you feel this change is important?

BH - It was hard at first, I had to study how to do that, but I am working on it and I can say that I am now very comfortable writing in the first POV. I feel that I need to evolve and I want to try new things. I want to have diversity in my books and writing in the first POV is a huge step for my career here on wattpad as a writer. Alpha's Warrior is the first book I have written in the first POV and also has longer chapters. It's completely different from the Kings series.

AH - Your books do a good job of drawing readers into your world. What do you think makes your writing style so impactful?

BH - Like I said my writing style is a descriptive one. I like to write in such a way that is sounds poetic, but mainly I describe feelings, thoughts or places, so I use a lot of adjectives and comparisons.

AH - actually that's something I'm trying to improve on, being more poetic with my words. A lot of writers have been told that the first chapter needs to grab the reader's attention quick, what's your goal when writing the first chapter?

BH - Well, usually when I start a new book my goal each time I write a chapter is to make the best chapter ever, so that I can be proud of myself and my readers to enjoy my work.

AH - that's a great way of looking at it. Approaching each chapter with such intensity. Sometimes half way through a book writers will start tiring out. What keeps you writing when you hit writers block?

My readers. Their reaction and comments are everything to me. I always write for me and for them especially. I want people to feel something when they read my story and when I read how much they liked my story or chapter it keeps me motivated.

AH - from the interviews I've conducted I've noticed this common thread among good writers. A passion for writing and a love for readers. You've got that in spades sister :D of course it's important to write about what your passionate about. What message would you like to tell your audience?

BH - "There is more to a person than meets the eye." Each one of us has such a great potential and people judge us so easily. They don't see us for who we are and my characters seem ordinary at first, but they show their inner strength and belief in their principles. They shine in the end just like we should in our life. Don't be afraid to show who you really are! Each one of us has something to offer!

AH - that's beautiful! We appreciate the positive message you're spreading here on the wattpad community. So just quick questions about books you read. What do you look for in a good book?

BH - Like I said feelings. I believe that a book who doesn't reach your heart and doesn't stir emotions deep inside in you is not a good book. Books are meant to change your perspective, to make you live that story. That's what I am looking for and I am trying to portray in my stories.

AH - Are there any books that have inspired you?

BH - There a lot of books that have inspired me, but the ones that truly inspired me were The Narnia Chronicles. In each of my book you will find magic, prophecies and heroes. I believe that in this world you need a little magic sometimes to make you feel better, don't you think?

AH - Thanks so much brave_heart_324 for your time. We appreciate you telling us a little bit about yourself and your writing.

If you'd like to check out some of brave_heart_324 's stories you can find them here:
Just a disclaimer "the dark alpha" is liberal with its use of strong language. If mature content isn't your thing just beware. Otherwise head on over and enjoy this incredible journey that keeps going.

Next week check out our interview of KurokageJS

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