Purpose & table of contents

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Before we get started with our first interview I'd like to take a minute to explain our written show. What's our goals? What can you expect to gain as a reader or writer?

First off, we want to give you one place to connect with authors of all sorts. Our goal is for you to get to know them better, and for other writers to see how they can improve. Don't just love them for their books, we want you to love them as a person.

As a reader your going to find that their stories, and the way they express themselves will become much more intimate. You'll understand why they express things the way they do. And why they write about what they do.
As a writer you'll find how these authors have found success on wattpad. And you may find the way you measure success isn't they way you should.

Below is the list of authors we've interviewed. If you find one you know check it out! If you'd like to discover new ones just start reading!

1: brave_heart_324 - Nov 30 2019
2: KurokageJS - Dec 7 2019

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