Bailey said: When can we meet?

      I said: I don't know. I'm really busy.

      Kat groaned in frustration and threw her phone on the bed next to her. Kat and Bailey had progressed from instant messaging to texting and Bailey was persistent that they meet. Kat was nervous that she would slip up by mentioning something from school, or people Alyson wouldn't know other than from Facebook.

      Bailey said: Chicken! Haha

      I said: No, just busy! :P lol


      "You have to meet her! Or else she's gonna get bored, and you'll never get her to date you," Nicole stood above Kat, her hands on her hips, halfway changed from that morning's practice. Her jeans were zipped, but unbuttoned, and she was walking around in her pink sports bra. "So, you will text her during next hour, and tell her you will meet her at the mall, after school tomorrow."

      Kat groaned, and Nicole glared at her.

      "Fine, fine. Why after school though?" she slipped her black boot cut jeans on, buttoned her black and purple plaid shirt up, and stepped into the low top black converse.

      "Because you need to do it. I'm not giving you another excuse to back out," Nicole replied, slipping on her pink and grey off the shoulder blouse and grey flats. The girls walked to second hour, where Kat set up a time and place to meet Bailey.


      "Take your glasses off, take them off!" Nicole whispered when she saw Bailey enter the food court.

      "Oh, right!" The contacts did nothing more than cover Kat's natural eye color, so she still had to wear her glasses. She had quickly stuffed them in her bag, then smoothed her shaking hands over her clothes. She was wearing a multicolored, multi fabric skirt that Nicole had let her borrow, a lilac blouse that had sleeves that went to the elbows, and black flats. She felt like she should be in a tavern serving pirates.

      "Alyson?" Kat smiled as Bailey approached the table. She was wearing blue jeans that didn't hang off her butt, a solid light blue woman's button up, and her hair was down around her shoulders.

      "Yes. Bailey, right?" Bailey nodded her head, a shy smile on her face.

      "Well. I'll just be going then," Nicole said awkwardly before hugging Kat and jogging away, motioning that she would call Kat later that evening.

      "Sorry about her. She was more nervous than I was," Kat admitted, running her hands through her hair. Not used to it being in curls, her fingers immediately got tangled. "Ow, ow.."

      Bailey laughed, then grabbed Kat's hand. "Here, let me help you," she quickly freed her hand.

      "You must have your hands in a lot of curls if you know how to manage them so well." Kat commented without thinking. She blushed, but Bailey just laughed.

      "You've got me there. I'm a sucker for curls." she replied sitting in the chair Nicole had vacated.

      They sat and talked for an hour before they ran out of things to talk about. Trying to avoid awkward silences, Kat suggested they take a walk around the mall, letting the store front bring up more conversation topics for the two girls. After what seemed like forever, Kat finally checked the time on her phone, and realized she was close to her curfew time.

      "Oh damnit. I'm supposed to be home in like ten minutes. I'm sorry, but I have to go," She said, frowning.

     "Oh hey, its no problem. Do you want a ride home?" Kat bit her lip nervously. She wasn't completely sure if she wanted to bring Bailey that far into Alyson's life so early. But she also didn't want to get in trouble for being late, and riding in Bailey's car for five miles was quicker to her house than Kat walking the same distance.

      "That would be great," she replied smiling.


     "Can I see you again?" Kat smiled at her.

      "I don't know. Are you sure you'll have time, with all the other girls hanging around?"

      Bailey laughed, a blush creeping onto her face. "You're going to make this hard for me, aren't you?"

      Kat laughed in response before answering Bailey. "I don't know what you're talking about," she then got out of the car, giving Bailey a shy smile before unlocking the door and walking inside. Her phone beeped right as she closed the front door.

      Bailey said: This should be fun (;

      I said: You have no idea

I Played The PlayerWhere stories live. Discover now