Chapter Two

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I've gotten seven reads and a vote so far, so I'm going to continue! Enjoy!

Edited for your enjoyment!



      "Holy hell," Kat exclaimed. Not only had Bailey accepted her friend request, but she had also sent Kat a message.

      "What, what?!" Nicole exclaimed, pushing Kat away from the laptop to read the message blinking on the home screen. "Dude! I thought it would've taken longer than that! 'Hi, nice to meet you. You look really familiar.'" Nicole read the message out loud. Kat pushed the other girl out of the way, scooting her office chair back to its rightful position at the small table her laptop sat on.

      "Yeah, me too. What do I tell her?"

      "Um, um... Tell her, "Thanks, and that's funny You look like my next girlfriend.' Don't forget to put the winky face!" The fake Facebook profile had only been up a couple of days, and Kat had managed to befriend half her entire school in the blink of an eye. She wasn't sure if she liked the fact that in lying to Bailey, she was also lying to everyone she had grown up with, but she had quickly vanquished the thought when the message had come across. Kat quickly replied, and that opened up a instant message conversation that had spanned three days, and every ounce of Kat's free time.

      That Friday was a game day, and Kat was nervous. In her two and a half years in the stands with the band, she had never seen Bailey at a football game, but there was a first for everything, right? She plucked at her bobbers and sighed. This dare was ruining her Friday nights.

      "Katherine, either sit your butt down, or help Kassandra with the music!" the band director barked. Kat nodded, and made her way to where Nicole was pulling sheets of music out of the filing cabinet. She grabbed some and moved to the table next to Nicole.

      "Its Nicole, Howards! Not Kassandra!" Nicole and Mr. Howards had been having this war since the girl's freshman year. Kat thought it was because he couldn't remember her name, but Nicole remained steadfast in saying that the old man loved it, and it gave him something to look forward to besides having to deal with a hundred and twenty teenagers in and out of his band hall every day. "So, have you seen her yet?" Nicole whispered. Kat shook her head, sorting the sheets according to instrument.

      "No, thank God. What if she sees me, and recognizes me as Alyson? What am I gonna do?"

      "Dude, calm down. We made Alyson look so different from you, she'll never recognize you. You'd be surprised at what the power of make up can do to help one," Nicole remarked. There was that phrase again, the power of make up. Kat just shrugged, not believing any of it; she had worn make up before, and while everyone complimented her on it, they still knew it was her underneath the foundation and mascara. "Plus, you were wearing green contacts. Don't worry so much."

     Kat still worried. But after she passed Bailey, struggling to not let her mouth fall open from surprise at finally seeing her at a football game, the worries the girl had been holding finally managed to die down some. Bailey had continued to walk by, not showing any signs of recognizing the girl Kat was pretending to be.

      'I guess contacts and an oddly placed freckle did help.'


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