I couldn't breathe. I stared at him wide-eyed while struggling to breathe and behave like a normal human again. I placed my hand against my chest, finally breathing in and out again to calm my beating heart.

"Nina?" Jacob sounded worried. He took his hand out of his pocket and cupped my cheek, "Darling, breathe in and out. Calmly. Deep breaths." He spoke barely above a whisper. It was a calming tone which actually helped me relax.

He smiled gently at me, "That's it. Calm, deep breaths."

The tight feeling in my chest faded, I was able to breathe again and think with a clear mind.

"That sounds too good to be true, Jacob." I told him, "What is it that you want in return?" I stared down the guilt washing over me for even asking these questions of Jacob, "Because you are right. The promise of a future together is what I want." I tilted my head back and met his warm pools of grey eyes, "What is it that you want?"

His thumb brushed gently over my cheek, he then pulled away and folded his arms across his chest. The expensive black jacket tightened around his arms and shoulders. God, just staring at this man did things to my body. It wasn't quite the same as Lucas made me feel. It was different. Way too intense. The passion would burn everything in its path and when it would fade it would leave only ashes behind.

"A woman who wants me for me." He made it sound so simple, "Who wants me for my body and mind, not for the money I make or the fame which comes from being my wife."

We wanted the same things yet we worded it so differently.

"I can't." I whispered, "Lucas-"

"You're not married yet." Jacob's voice was void of any emotion, "You don't owe him anything."

"It would hurt him, it would hurt his friends whom I quite like."

He grabbed my hands, gently holding them in his. It was so gentle, so soft, I never imagined Jacob could touch me like that.

"Don't you have the right to consider your options?"

I closed my eyes, shaking my head. He was as tempting as the devil who wanted to make a deal. From the start, I knew this man was quite the same as Lucifer. Making deals and wanting your soul in return. The thought made me smile. It made Jacob before me chuckle seeing the peaceful look on my face.

"I want to make you my wife, Nina." He whispered, "But I know you have a commitment to that man. So you consider your options. Give me your answer a week before the party."

I opened my eyes, "When is that?"

He chuckled, "The party is in two weeks."

"You want an answer next week?" I asked.

"Yes, a lot of things need to be taken care of if you do decide to take up my offer." The sinister smirk returned to his handsome face, "We'd need a few days to ourselves to get acquainted with each other's bodies."

I held back my laughter, leaning forward which made me press my forehead against his chest. Jacob gently placed his hand on the back of my head and held me to him. We stood there not quite hugging but not wanting to pull apart either. The feeling I had when I kissed Lucas minutes ago wasn't what I felt when Jacob held me close. It was like we both knew what my answer would be.

Jacob pulled away first, "I want to point out that I wasn't joking." I frowned at him, "But of course I'd like to hire you as my personal shopper again. I did praise you like the best personal shopper around town and I meant it. You are the best."

"Oh so if I don't accept your offer you'd still be around because I'd be working for you?"

He didn't respond to my question, because the answer was obvious. Jacob Blackwood always got what he wanted one way or another. I stepped back, took a deep breath and let my shoulders slump. Since we were done with this discussion I wanted to leave. I needed a shower and change my clothes. My panties were making me feel uncomfortable.

"I'll give you my answer next week."

"Friday night, around eight?" He asked, "We'll meet up at the penthouse." He walked to his desk, grabbed the keys to the double doors of his penthouse and tossed it to me. He looked pleased when I caught them, "Welcome back, Miss Merigold."

I stared at the keys I caught with ease, "Thank you, Mr. Blackwood."

He walked up to the chair I occupied a few minutes ago and grabbed the weekend bag I took with me. he held onto it and gestured to the door, "I'll walk you out, Miss."

Fenna and the good-looking Asian guy stared at us in awe as Jacob walked with me to the elevator. He didn't look like he was going to head back to his office. It made me stare at him in awe too when he took the elevator with me to the lobby.

"I'll ask my driver to take you home."

I stepped in front of him, "That's okay, I can take a cab."

"It's not a big deal, Nina. You are familiar with you, are you not?"

That wasn't what I was worried about. It would give me time to collect my thoughts as I headed home. If I took his car I'd still be reminded of Jacob Blackwood. I needed both Jacob and Lucas to fade in the background so I could make a list about my future.

A future Jacob promised me already sounded more tempting as my future with Lucas was still unsure.


My tone made him step back and smile, he handed my bag to me, "I understand. I won't push you. Do what you have to do. I'll see you next Friday night at the penthouse." He leaned forward and kissed my cheek, "I'll be looking forward to it." He whispered.

My heart skipped a beat. The one who won this game we were playing was Jacob Blackwood. I just fooled myself into thinking I'd come on top. I grabbed my bag and smiled at him.

"See you next Friday," I whispered.

I walked around him and headed outside. The minute fresh air whipped around me I felt free from tension and dark promises. I inhaled deeply, the light-headed feeling I always had around Jacob faded. I nearly ran into someone when my phone suddenly rang. My body moved on auto-pilot as I reached into my pocket and grabbed my phone, answering it without really knowing what I was doing. I was lost, lost in my own world as images of Jacob and Lucas flashed through my mind.

"Nina, are you there?"

I blinked, "Nick?'

"How was your dinner with Lucas and friends?" He asked.


Just like Jacob, my brother immediately knew something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

I let my weekend bag drop to the ground, it laid beside my foot as I stared straight ahead, "Jacob proposed to me." I whispered.

"Where are you right now?" Nick demanded to know.

I glanced around me, a little intimidated by the people around me who were just living their lives. Moving around with determined looks on their faces.

"I'm taking a cab home."

Nick moved, I could hear him in the background, "I'm meeting you at your place. See you in a bit." Nick ended the call without giving me time to respond.

I managed to grab a cab. I was on my way home where my brother would meet me. I suppose talking to someone about the list of why I should or shouldn't marry Jacob Blackwood was better than to do it, my imaginary friend. They'd be biased.

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