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With the curse now lifted, not only were the inhabitants of the castle human again, but everyone else in kingdom now had their memories restored, meaning that many of the villagers that had been attacking the castle were now having crises about the possible consequences of their recent actions. Even some of Lord Beezel's advisors returned, after word spread of a kingdom that had only recently realized that it was, in fact, a kingdom.

Furthermore, with Lord Beezel still nowhere to be found, Crowley was immediately able to inherit the throne, which meant that a coronation was in order. And in such a time of great celebration, there seemed to be no reason not to throw a wedding in too. So, the next day, Crowley and Aziraphale were happily married, and pronounced the new rulers of the kingdom.

Of course, Crowley's snake eyes were still very much apparent, which led to rumours spreading about a Demon Lord, who ruled over his kingdom with his husband, who seemed perfectly angelic in comparison. And with such an odd couple managing to work so well together, people usually came to one of two conclusions: that either Aziraphale was the one you needed to be more wary of, or that perhaps Crowley wasn't actually all that bad. Either way, Crowley and Aziraphale were revered and respected by all, and in turn, they always tried to do right by their people. And if anyone thought that meant keeping everything just the way it was, they had another thing coming.

The first thing Crowley set about doing was removing all the unnecessary taxes that his father had placed upon the townsfolk, while Aziraphale donated his bookshop in the village to the schoolhouse, and made a plan to review the education system, and hopefully, improve it. He wanted to show people that books were not the enemy, and reading could actually be quite enjoyable. Aziraphale had already managed to persuade Mrs Young, (who became a lot nicer now she was in the presence of nobility), to try reading again, and with the castle library now open to the public, even she had managed to find a couple of books that she took an interest in. But duties and responsibilities could wait for another day - there was still much celebration to be had.

A dance was held in the ballroom, with many people invited from all across the kingdom. It might not have been as grand or extravagant as any of Beezel's affairs, but it certainly had much more heart, and a feeling of joy that filled the room with warmth.
People of all different classes and backgrounds spun and twirled their way across the dance floor, from farmers to teachers, to cooks, and even a few royal advisors. And of course, right in the middle of it all, were Aziraphale and Crowley, gazing at each other as if they were the most wonderful thing in the world.

Aziraphale tore his eyes away from Crowley for a moment to instead look around at the scene that surrounded him. Newt was dancing with Anathema, who had been declared Head Sorceress of the castle. Not that they really needed a sorceress, but it was the least they could do. Madame Tracy was dancing with Shadwell, who looked rather awkward and out of place compared to Madame Tracy's energetic movements. Off to the side of the ballroom, Adam was playing with a black and white dog that might once have been a footstool.

"Darling," said Aziraphale.
"Yes angel?" replied Crowley.
"Did you ever imagine it turning out like this?"
"What, you mean with the curse being lifted?"
"Well, yes."
"Never in a million years. Sometimes I didn't know if I'd ever be human again, let alone anything else."
"Well, would you change anything, if you could?"
Crowley lifted Aziraphale's hand to his lips and placed a soft kiss there. "Not a thing," he said.
"Really?" asked Aziraphale.
"Really," replied Crowley. "So long as you're happy, that's all that matters."
Aziraphale smiled. "I've never been happier," he said, before wrapping his arms around Crowley and lovingly kissing him.

The two of them stood there, still gently swaying to the music, wrapped in each other's embrace. Life had never been better, and of course, as all good stories declare, they both lived happily ever after.

Darkness from the West,
Sunlight from the East.
They meet and join as one,
Now all is said and done,
Angel and the Beast.

Tale as old as time,
Song as old as rhyme,
Angel and the Beast.

(A/N: And that is it! Thank you so much for reading this story and coming along for the journey!
This is only one of three multichaptered stories that I have ever completed, and probably one of my longest too, at over 20,000 words long! Thank you again for supporting me, and I hope you enjoyed the story!)

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