Chapter 4

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The next morning, Adam was out in the town square running some errands for his mother. He had been let out on a very strict good behaviour bond following the tumultuous events of the previous night. He was just about to go back home when he saw Gabriel making a beeline for Aziraphale's bookshop, holding a comically large bouquet of flowers.

"Monsieur Fell isn't in there," he called.

Gabriel turned and walked over to Adam. "And how do you know?" he asked, making no effort to hide the patronising tone in his voice. "Have you been in there today?"

"No but when I went missing last night, Monsieur Fell rescued me. I was trapped inside this enormous castle with a huge beast, and Monsieur Fell took my place, you see. Now he's trapped there instead," Adam said matter-of-factly.

Gabriel smiled at him. It was the sort of expression an adult has when a child tells them something ridiculous, and they're deciding whether to educate them on the truth or to just go along with it.

"So where is this castle, young boy?" Gabriel asked, choosing the latter option.

"It's hidden in the woods. Hard to see with all the snow," Adam replied.

"In June?"

Adam shrugged. "That's just the way it is," he said. "Maybe the Beast likes the cold? He probably had something to do with it."

Gabriel took a deep breath. "Okay, little boy, so you're saying that Aziraphale is trapped in a castle in the woods deep in snow?"


"Which also houses a large, scary beast?"


"And this forest that surrounds it is always winter?"


"Do you want to go rescue Aziraphale?"

Adam paused for a moment. "He did say that he'd find a way to escape," he said.

"Well, has he come back yet?"


Gabriel threw his hands up. "Well then let's help him out a little! Won't that be fun?"

"Maybe, but I'm not allowed to go back into the forest again. Probably not for years and years."

Gabriel put on his extra-charming smile. "Let me talk to your mother, I'm sure we can figure something out."

So that was how Adam found himself sitting next to Gabriel in his horse and cart, trying to find their way to the castle.

"This is the way," said Adam. "You can hear wolves in the distance, that means we're getting close. I nearly got attacked by wolves, that's how I ended up at the castle."

Gabriel sighed. "Look, enough is enough. Let's turn back," he said.

"Wait!" Adam exclaimed. Gabriel stopped the cart and Adam pointed to the tree in front of them. "That's the tree! It was struck down by lightning when I was coming down this path, so I was forced to go another way, but it's standing up again now. Maybe it's magic, like the Beast and the snow around the castle." Adam carefully surveyed the track ahead of them. "I think, we need to go... that way." He pointed in one direction, then changed his mind and pointed somewhere else. "That way. Definitely that way."

Gabriel inhaled and exhaled loudly. "Young boy, I am done playing this game of yours. Where is Aziraphale?"

"I told you!" said Adam. "A beast took him, and-"

"There are no such things as beasts!" cried Gabriel. "Or magic! Or snow that falls in summer! But there are very real ways of dying in this forest - you said yourself you were nearly attacked by wolves! So why don't we just turn around and go back home? I'm sure Aziraphale is in his bookshop like he always is, though you need to stay away from books for a while I think; you're getting too many ideas in your head!"

Adam was silent for a moment. He knew Aziraphale was most definitely not in his bookshop, but he also knew better than to get on Gabriel's bad side. So, he said "Okay," and allowed himself to be taken back to the village, hoping that everything would work itself out in the end.

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