[4] Taking the Subway

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Good morning students, today is another day.

A lot happened tomorrow, but first, it's time for your daily intercom message in the morning. Of course.

"Greetings, I hope you had a fine day yesterday. First off, I would like to congratulate all of those who put the effort into and finished their assignments. Second, I would like to congratulate those who were brave enough to step past the boundary and form strong relationships here. Even though I said otherwise, you still showed you were willing to stand up to an authority for those you cared about".

He took a moment to continue.

"As for today's assignment, the subway has been reopened for today and will allow transport to a recreation of an urban shopping district, filled with stores, restaurants, cafes, fast food, arcades and whatever commoners seem to appreciate about them. The assignment is to write about what happened in your day, who you interacted with and things that you appreciate they do for you. Hopefully for this experience, you will feel more relaxed here at the Academy. Because... ".

He audibly sighed.

"The actions you all take here may be recorded and viewed by the general public in order to see whether you're suitable to live in society or not, and some of you are making it very difficult. People are more upset than before about this academy, and I'm only asking this once: Please, do not cause ANY more destruction".

The intercom turned off.

In other news, all restraints seemed to have been removed, and Adam's cane has been returned.

Jen and Lukas had a swell time together.
Nymphadora and Shanakah also had a swell time together.

Moze only returned back to the dorm after the intercom ended, her skin was extremely pale and colourless and she definitely looked like she hadn't slepped. She also had a bracelet and collar on.

Kylee now possesses samples of 'Product #251', its purpose and effects still unclear.

The subway, is indeed, now open to travel to the Shopping District recreation.

Somehow, Mal's deteriorating state had been stopped, except for white tips at the ends of his hair which still showed. He was moved into Dorm 1B for the night and put with Megu, he wasn't aware of it yet.

There are a lot more rumours floating around about the outside world and myths that the Academy might close if people can't prove themselves to be good. Of course, it's just a rumour.

Good luck today, be subtle and don't bring attention to yourself. It's definite now, you're really being watched.

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