Four- Could I be?

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It's Monday and I have been avoiding Will for the entire weekend. I couldn't bear to see him after what I heard.

Like normal, I get out of bed and I get ready for school. I am usually out of the house by 8:30 am but it was one of those mornings where Hopper wasn't able to be with El until school started, so I left the house at 8 am and spent 40 minutes hanging out with El until I had to go to school. From Hopper's cabin to school it takes 20 minutes and school starts at 9 am.
After 40 minutes, I told El that if she needed me, she could call the school and ask for me. I gave her the school's number and gave her a quick kiss before I left Hopper's cabin. I arrived at school.

As I walked to my locker, I noticed Will getting his books. He looked different. He wasn't wearing his normal clothes and his was different.

I shrugged it off.

I kept staring at Will when he wasn't staring at me.
The day went by pretty quickly and I couldn't stop staring at Will.

I headed home and I kept thinking about Will. I noticed that I hadn't focused on my work at all today because I was too busy admiring Will's features.

I got home and went straight to my room. I threw my bag onto my bed and started pacing.

Why can't I stop thinking about Will? I spent the entire day admiring his features and I was thinking about him non stop.  I can't like Will and I definitely can't be gay...can I? It would explain why I wouldn't stop staring at him and why I was thinking about him all's not possible...but could I be?

No. I love El...she's a girl and I'm her boyfriend...but I like Will. Oh...god...I think I'm bi.

I stopped pacing.

I sat on my bed.

I have a crush on best friend...

I laid down.

That would explain why I can't stop thinking about him and why I kept staring at him.

I took a deep breath in and out.

But how do I tell El? She would be so upset and she would probably never talk to me again...but I have to tell her. I will tell her tomorrow.

I sat up and went downstairs for dinner.

After I finished dinner I went straight to bed. I once again couldn't stop thinking about Will.

My love- BylerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin