Twenty three- Different adventures

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After being choked by Billy, Will had to rest, meaning Mike was by his side, being the caring boyfriend he always wanted to be.

El had stayed with Max, loving the time they spent together. They had done some investigating into who Billy was or might be working with.

Lucas was thinking of ways that the group could defeat the clearly dangerous Billy.

Dustin was currently trapped underneath Starcourt Mall in a secret Russian base with Steve, Robin and Erica after Robin figured out what the transmission was talking about.

Hopper, using his police skills, discovered that something wasn't right in Hawkins, even thinking like Joyce as he asked Mr Clarke about the massive power outage. He found and kind of kidnapped a Russian, Alexei...or Smirnoff as Hopper liked to say. Hopper was now in Illinois with Alexei and Murray.

Jonathan and Nancy were inspecting the clearly weird situation that was Mrs Driscoll. They had visited her and were now following up on some other leads.
It was the same thing, the exact same thing that happened to Will last year. And look at this. Look at the body temperatures.

"He likes it cold," Will said. Mike worried about him as they sat on the couch, Mike's arm wrapped around Will's shoulder.

"Okay, so this crazy old woman who was eating fertilizer...Mrs Driscoll...what time was this attack?" Mike asked as he looked at Nancy.

"Last night...around 9.00..." Nancy said, trying to remember.

"What time was your...sauna test?" Nancy asked, confused.

"Around 9:00." The kids said in unison.

"Well, that proves it. That proves my theory." Nancy said, facing away.

"She's flayed, just like Billy..." Mike admitted.

"Flayed?" Jonathan asked in.

"The Mind Flayer. He flays people. Takes over their mind. Once they do that, they basically become him." Mike said, looking at Will, slightly frowning.

"If there are two flayed-" Lucas began

"-we have to assume there are more." Will finished Lucas' sentence.

"Heather. Billy was doing something to her. She was scared. She was screaming." El spoke, worried.

"I'm sorry, I'm lost. Who is Heather?" Nancy asked, super confused.

"She's a lifeguard at the pool," Max admitted.

"Heather Holloway?" Nancy asked, getting a confirmation from El and Max as they nodded.

"Tom." Nancy and Jonathan said in unison.

"Shh! Move it. Let's go." Steve said as they quickly made their way into one of the hundreds of rooms that were open.

"Sh, sh. Come on." Steve said as the door shut behind him, unaware of the Russian behind them. The guard sees them, going for his gun.

"Действуй осторожно! Действуй осторожно!. Tread lightly! Tread lightly!" Robin began, hoping that she wasn't going to get them all killed.

"Кто ты?. Who are you?." The man replied, confused.

"Серебряный кот ... Серебряный кот. Silver cat...Silver cat." Robin replied. Now worried since she didn't know how smart this man would be.

"Я не понимаю. I don't understand." The man replied, his hand now on the gun, not yet having pulled it out of its holder.

"Китай? China?" Robin asked as her last resort, resulting in a scoff from the man.

Steve runs at the man, knocking him against the control pannel. He quickly throws punches, eventually getting the Russian on the floor before knocking him out. He ran his hands through his hair, paning.

"Dude! You did it! You won a fight!" Dustin said, cheering Steve on.

Dustin runs over to the Russian, grabbing the key card from the body so they could go back to the elevator and leave.

"What are you doing?" Erica asked, confused.

Getting us our ticket out of here." Dustin replied, looking at the key card. Robin walked up the narrow staircase, leading to a door. She looked through the window, shocked.

"Guys. There's something up there." She said, bringing Erica and Dustin out of their argument, along with Steve.

"Holy shit," Dustin said as they opened the door, leading them to a massive room with glass windows looking out at a wall covered in vines and other weird things. It looked like they were opening a gate to the upsidedown like what Nancy and Jonathan saw at the lab.

"Let's go!" Steve said as the Russians turned around and saw them, resulting in a chase they could've avoided. Erica and Dustin managed to get away, but Steve and Robin were taken by the Russians, much to Dustin's chagrin.

"He calls it the key, and this key emits great energy..." Murray spoke translating Alexei's words.

Alexei spoke Russian while drawing on paper, further explaining the topic.

"It requires much strength, power." Murray continued.

"Those houses, like the one you found, they're located near, uh, transformers. They're stealing from your town's power grid." Murray said, talking to Hopper. Hopper imagined if Joyce was around, what she would've said or done.

"Why build this key here? Why are they not doing this in their own backyard? What are they trying to do, blow us to smithereens?" Hopper asked, confused.

Murray talks to Alexei, earning a laugh from the young-looking Russian.

"There were many of these, uh, keys before in Russia, but they turned out wrong..." Murray said, looking at the paper.

"They had to come to where the... where the, uh..." Murray stammered.

"Where the what?" Hopper asked, confused.

"I don't understand what he's saying..." Murray said, trying to think.

"I thought you were fluent," Hopper said, shocked.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Are my free translation services not good enough for you? Because you can just go ahead and file your complaint right up my ass!" Murray exclaimed angrily.

Alexei started writing things on the paper next to the drawings, confusing Hopper as he watched.

"What is Smirnoff doing?" Hopper asked, confused.

"He's showing me..." Murray said as he watched.

"Oh, okay. Uh, he says the straw, they're using it to penetrate a hole in... a box?" Murray asked, confused as to what Alexie was saying.

"Okay, sorry, sorry. The straw represents the key, which emits a great energy. They're using this energy... to break through a barrier, to open... a doorway. A doorway between worlds. But it seems this key was only half the equation. Location- Location was the other half. In Hawkins, this door had been opened once. It was still...healing." Murray explained.

"So, this door is open now?" Hopper asked.

"He says it is... opening..." Murray said, slightly scared.

"If there's a way to start this key, there's gotta be a way to stop it, yeah? Turn it off?" Hopper asked, confused.

"The key, is there a way to turn it off?" Murray asked, looking at Alexei.

"He says, "Of course he could turn it off. Could...Edison not turn off a lamp, could Bell not hang up a phone?" Cocky bastard. But he is now... "naked." Sorry, "exposed." Compromised. But he says that even thin Rambo couldn't get there. This key, it is in an underground fortress designed by the greatest Russian minds, guarded by their greatest warriors. Breaking in is... impossible." Murray finished, sighing.

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