Thirty- Not so normal return

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Three months had passed since the tragedy at Starcourt Mall. It was now the last week of school for everyone except Steve who had already graduated.

Hopper looked in Joyce's old room. Seeing a box of things under her bed, he pulled it out, opening it. The first thing he saw was a piece of paper labelled Plan for the family. He read it. Joyce had planned to move Jonathan, El and Will away from Hawkins...but knowing Will's relationship with Mike, Jonathan's relationship with Nancy, and El's relationship with Max, he couldn't.

Will stood outside his house with Mike by his side. Mike had stayed the night. Mike and Will, along with El and Jonathan, got into Jonathan's car, heading to school.

As if it was planned, each teenager arrived at school. Max, Lucas and Dustin waited for Mike, Will and El.

The group stood outside Hawkins Middle School, immediately being stared down by every student they walked by.

"I heard that Dustin defeated a monster." One girl spoke, giving Dustin a bad look.

"I heard that Max hooked up with that girl Eleven..." A boy spoke, disgusted.

"I heard that Will and Mike hooked up." Two girls gossiped.

"ATTENTION EVERYONE!" Max yelled, catching everyone's attention.

"We can hear you. I did kiss El since she's the love of my life. Mike and Will are dating! Dustin helped us save this entire town from a monster from another dimension. If you have a problem with us....tell us and we'll give you our opinion!" Max nearly threatened.

Troy pushed Max to the ground, annoying Eleven so she focused her energy on Troy, making him pee as she did 2 years ago. "Push her again and I'll break your arm again..." Eleven threatened, forcing Troy to run away.

For the rest of the day, the group were seen as freaks because of what had happened at the mall three months ago.

Once they arrived at the front of Hawkins High School, they walked in, hoping for the best. As they walked through the halls, people talked about them, pissing Robin off.

"Oi assholes! Stop talking about us behind our backs! We saved your asses and this entire town from being destroyed and all you can do is talk about us behind our backs! If I hear one more bad peep from anyone...there will be hell to pay!" Robin shouted at people angrily.

She walked off, glaring at anyone who dared to speak badly about her.

The rest of the day went on normally, Robin occasionally glaring at people if they didn't shut up.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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