The apology... and the kiss

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The next day, William took a shower and headed out. But not for work. It was for something completely different. Officer Lightoller who had been covering his watch was seriously wondering what the hell was going on. When he saw Will he went right ahead and asked. "William! What the hell? You didn't show up for work yesterday! Or half of the day before yesterday! What the hell's going on?" He asked. "It's nothing." Will replied. "Nothing?! Seriously?! Cause that doesn't seem like-" Murdoch cut him off. "I appreciate your concern, Charles. But it's really none of your business! Alright!" He said. "Alright." Said Lightoller, who raised his hand in mock surrender. "I'm just looking out for you!" "I know. But I'm really not up to coming all out with everything right now." And with that, Murdoch walked away... Heading to the stateroom... of Thomas Andrews. Meanwhile, Thomas sat in bed. He didn't feel any motivation to do anything. He also didn't want to bother William after what had happened yesterday. But a moment later, he heard a few knocks on the door... followed by a very familiar sounding voice. "Thomas? You there? I'm sorry about what I said yesterday? Can we talk?" It was WIlliam. In a flash, Thomas got up and put on his usual grey coat over his clothes that he was too lazy to change out of, and opened the door. In the next instant, he almost knocked William off his own two feet as he pulled him inside and gave him the biggest hug. "I'm sorry... I know I shouldn't had left like I did... I should've said something... but I just couldn't find the words... until yesterday... when you told me to leave you alone." Said Andrews. "Yeah...I'm sorry about what I said yesterday... I didn't mean anything... but were you really serious when you said that you love me?" Asked Murdoch. They were still partly in the hug, sitting down on Andrews's bed, with William partly sitting on his lap. "Yes. I did." Replied Andrews. "I'm still sorry I told you to leave me alone yesterday. I'm sorry I wouldn't listen to you and wouldn't let you inside...even when you said please." Said Murdoch. There was no answer. All Thomas did was press his lips up against William's, who didn't do anything to protest but kiss back in return. It was a moment that they both wished could last forever. It would as long as they continued their first kiss. When they finally pulled away, Thomas saw a smile on William's face. Laying against the bedpost, Thomas patted the spot beside him, signaling William to lay next to him. Doing so, William was pulled closer by Thomas, who locked him into another kiss.

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