"We're planning on getting married"

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The port side parlor suite was one of the finest rooms Titanic had, and J. Bruce Ismay had the lucky luxury of owning it. Basking in the sunlight coming through the open windows on the small private promenade, he looked at his sketches with glee. Any moment and one of them would knock at his door. Perhaps Mr. Andrews? It's a pretty sure thing that God himself knows how awkward Mr. Murdoch would be when it comes to voicing out the topic. Or maybe the two together? Was there already a past proposal? And if so, it would be a shame to think he would miss out on watching the wonderful romantic moment. He looked over his preparations multiple times. The decorations of flowers, as well as the alter (presuming the event would most likely take place in a church), but just in case that weren't the plan, there were some designs of other places, such as a gazebo. Sketches of fancy clothing and the decorated cake. "Of course, I'll need to get final approval on what they would really want, and get their measurements as well." Bruce thought.
"Knock knock"
Sitting up in his chair, Ismay looked at the doorway leading back into his room.
"Knock knock"
A smile flashed across his lips. "Coming!" He said, hurrying out of the room and to the door.
Thomas Andrews laid on his bed. His beloved laying next to him, seeming to have fallen asleep. Will Murdoch was on break and there was no place, nor any person, he would want to spend it with than with his beloved. Andrews watched over the sleeping Scotsman, gently brushing his cheek every so often, his arm wrapped around Murdoch. His other free hand went into his coat pocket where his fingers felt along the small velvet like box that laid hidden. Would Murdoch say yes? Or was it still too soon? They had been going steady for only a few weeks now. What would their relationship, including their close friendship, be like if it were a no? Andrews let out a breath. May it was too much of a risk... Will Murdoch let out a few groans as he rubbed his tired eyes, now having just awoken from his nap. Although half of Andrews was out of his thoughts, the other half was still inside them. His thoughts bounced back when he gave attention to Murdoch's blue eyes or when he heard his lover's voice. "Did I fall asleep? Oops." Murdoch question. Andrews pulled him close, resting their foreheads against each other's. Murdoch wrapped his arms around his Irish companion. "Hey, can I ask you something?" Andrews finally asked. "Sure. What's up?" Murdoch replied. "I don't want this to be taken any wrong way, I mean, we've only been together for a few weeks, but," he paused. Murdoch's face looked somewhat serious. "What?" He asked. Andrews reached into his pocket, finally pulling out the small box. Murdoch's blue eyes locked on it. "I was wondering if," he trailed off as he open it. Inside, we're two amethyst rings, which were both their birthstones, as both were born in February. Murdoch looked at the rings and then up to Thomas, who seemed to be holding his breath. "You holding your breath?" He asked. Thomas finally breathed out. William chucked. With silent curiosity, Murdoch pick up on the rings and put it on his left ring finger. He held his hand up, seeming to analyze it before looking back at Andrews. "He took it. Does that mean a yes?" Andrews asked himself. Still without words, Will Murdoch took the second ring and then place the box aside. Grabbing his left hand, he put the ring on Thomas Andrews's left ring finger. Thomas looked at William, who now had a smile; a genuine smile. With his own genuine smile, Thomas leaned in, meeting his lover for a passionate kiss.
Bruce Ismay opened the door of his room to see Thomas Andrews. He was alone. "Where's you other half?" Ismay asked. "He's working. And look," Andrews said, holding his left hand up. Ismay's eyes widened at the sight of the ring. "Is that what I think it is? And does it mean what I think it means?" He asked. Andrews nodded, an excited look on his face. "Ooh, doth thou wanteth  someone such as me to planeth thy wedding?" Ismay asked in a Shakespearean style. "If you'd like to." Andrews replied. "Say no more." Bruce replied. Excited, Ismay invited Andrews inside where he showed the Irishman his sketches and designs. "Now, I made some designs, judging you two may hold your wedding in a church, but in case not, I've made some other designs such as a gazebo. There's some designs of bouquets of flowers that can be put by the seats, and I've made some designs on some clothing, but as far as that goes, I'll need measurements and anything personal you may want. I've also made sketches of the cake, although I'm not sure how big you may want it to be." Ismay explained, talking somewhat quite fast and excitedly. Thomas was listening, yes, but he was also listening to how excited Bruce Ismay was. "You're really playing into this, ain't you?" Andrews said with a smile. A smile was all he needed to know that his statement was correct. "I guess the first plan of action if for you and Murdoch to agree on what and how you want it and the three of us can talk about it in more detail." Ismay said. And Andrews agreed. During his breaks, Murdoch spends his time in Andrews's room, as Andrews told him he was always welcome. There was note on his door when Murdoch arrived.
"Gone to see Mr. Ismay. Will be back shortly. (P.S. if you're Will Murdoch, go ahead and come in)"
Well, Murdoch did so awaited his lover's return. Taking a nap on his bed. He was then awoken a spell later when Thomas finally returned. "We'll," he said, closing the door behind him. Will pushed his cap up, which sat over the top of his face. "What?" He asked. Not moving from his comfortable position. "Looks like we have a wedding planner." Andrews said. The two just looked at each other for a few moments. Thomas Andrews having a look of "can u guess who it is" face. "Bruce Ismay?.." Murdoch finally asked. The Irishman nodded. "How did I know that was gonna happen?.." Murdoch said, a blunt tone of voice. Andrews chuckled more as he laid down next to his beloved. Regardless, they both felt this soon to be event was right. They believed it even. The stars that set their paths have finally alined with each other. And the alignment was perfect.

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