Finally Finding the Words

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The next day, there was no sign of Mr. Murdoch. Or for the rest of the day yesterday after Thomas left. And ever since he did... Thomas felt horrible. He should have said something. But the words wouldn't leave his mouth... did he break William's heart? "Enough of this! William... I'm on my way!" He thought to himself. This time, he was ready. This time, he would get something out! He only hoped William would be willing to listen. He walked to Murdoch's quarters, and after a moment's hesitation, he knocked. "Will?.. It's Thomas... Can we talk? I didn't mean anything yesterday... please?" Murdoch, who was lying in bed, still upset, listened quietly. "Please... I love you..." Said Thomas. "You're just saying that to make me trust you!" Shouted Murdoch from inside the room. Noticing from the corner of his eye, Andrews saw Officer Moody, who had a raised eyebrow. Thomas signaled him to shoo off and leave. This was all none of his business. Not wanting to make anything worse, Moody went away. He had other work to do anyway. "I'm not just saying that! I really do mean it! Please just let me in! I promise I'll explain." Said Thomas. "What is there to explain? You wanna explain how much you hate me? How much more you wanna make me dead inside?" Replied William. "What?! No! Please, just let me in. Please... I never meant to hurt your feelings, I-" " Just go away, Thomas! Leave me alone!" Murdoch shouted. Those words hurt... but Thomas understood... "Alright. I'll leave. But if you ever wanna come talk to me, you know where to find me. I'll be in my stateroom." And with that, Thomas left William alone. William still layed in bed, tears streaming down his face. He really wanted to let Thomas in, but his body wouldn't let him. He believed what Thomas had said, but he didn't understand why he didn't say it the day before... when he left like that... it was like a bullet to Murdoch's heart... Meanwhile, Thomas walked back to his room and shut himself in as well.

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