• Two <33

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Ximara and Janiyah nicknames for each other is best just so you know.

Maria Ximara Martinez -

I see Jaliyah walking up to me and ole dude.

"Hey I'm Jaliyah"

I roll my eyes she so fucking annoying

"Oh ok" was all he said to her.

"He doesn't want your stupid ass cause you and your mom some hoes" I walk up to her

"What you say about my mom bitch" I said, in the corner of my eye I see best and her brother coming my way.

"What's going on" Niyah said I start counting cause my anger issues is out of hand right now.

"1...2...3...4" Niyah looks at me and puts her hands on my shoulders.

"Best what happened" she said looking in my eyes.

"This bitch always got some slick shit to say"

"She is, she obviously couldn't keep her legs closed, so she a hoe" I stare at her.

"Lord forgive me" I whisper to myself, but Chauncey heard me.

"You need to chill out" he whispered in my ear.

I look at him "She just called momma a hoe and you want me to let her get away with it fuck no"

I start to walk up to her and Chance grabs my wrist "You need to vibe"

"I'm vibin', I'm coo" I continue to walk up to her.

"You wanna say it louder" I wait to hear what she says cause she been saying slick shit all her life and she not bout' to get away with it today.

"I SAID YOU, YOUR MOM AND YOUR LITTLE SISTER-" before she could finish I punched her in her nose with full force and it started bleeding, I continued beating her face, she got a few hits in nothing to major and when she was on the ground I kicked her in her stomach.

"Stupid bitch" I wasn't finished, but then Chance pulled me off.

"CHAUNCEY MOVE" I see people recording and I seen security coming into the food court.

I start to walk away, then someone picks me up and I see it's Chance and Janiyah beside him.

"I can handle her sir" he said to the ugly security guard.

When we get outside Chance put me down.

"MARIA YOU CAN'T GO AROUND BEATING PEOPLE FACE IN" she yelled, my eyes started to well up.

"Best what's wrong" a tear fell "nothing" she looked at me with a confused face.

I wipe my eyes "nothing I'm fine, I'll be fine" she still looking at me but with an 'don't lie to me' face.

"Best you can tell me anything just know that" I nod and head to the car

Janiyah Rainz -

When I heard Jaliyah call my mom a hoe my blood was boiling cause don't nobody call my mom a hoe.

I call Ximara mom my mom because my mom died when I was 6 so Ms. Vito is my mom.

I ask Chauncey if he wanted to go home cause I'm bout to take Ximara home and stay awhile, he said no so we're all on our way to Maria's house. I park in her drive way, Maria sniffs and gets her stuff and we all get out.

"You don't have to stay Niyah"

"Obviously I do cause you crying" she opens the door and we all head upstairs to her room, me and Chance sat on her bed "I'll text you tomorrow, I just don't feel like having company rn I just wanna go to sleep" I nod my head she had a few bruises nothing major

She's been through a lot of shit and she's came this far, I cherish her. Me and Chance leave her house and then head home.

Kentrell Desean Gaulden -

I can't get the girl from the mall out my head.

I need to get her out my head cause she rude asf and ion do that disrespectful shit.

I might go to the trap to see what's up with my niggas I put on some joggers and head out the house.

I have to get home before my momma cause she don't like that I'm out here on the streets selling.

Carmen Vito Martinez -

I look in the back and see the kids sleeping.

I get a call from Maria, so I answer it "what's up babes" I hear her sniffling.

"Awe Maria what's wrong" she just starts crying harder.

"I miss them mommy" I sigh

"I miss them too baby I'm on my way home ok"
                ~few minutes later~

I get home and call Maria telling her I'm outside.

"ok I'm coming" she said I heard shuffling on the other side and then she came out the door so I hung up.

"hey babes is Dulce home"

she picks up Mateo "yea she got here a few minutes ago" I sigh that girl got some nerve it's 10:34 and she just now getting home, I pick up B and head inside.

I take Bianca to her room and then head to Maria's room.

"Hey babes wanna talk about it" she nods her head and I make my way over to her bed I look at her face.

"Why you got bruises on yo face" she gets up and goes into the bathroom to look in the mirror and sighs.

"I had to beat up Jaliyah today cause she was talking down on you"

I look at her through the mirror "wanna watch some movies and talk about it"

She went back to the bed and I just stand at the door frame

"Come on babes we're gonna have movie night"

I walk out of her room and go downstairs to get some snacks.

I get the snacks and head back up stairs.

She sighs and lays her head back on the pillow and stares at the ceiling.

"Dulce come here, we need to talk" I hear her footsteps, she looks at Maria.

"what's wrong" Maria starts crying, she usually doesn't cry in front of people, but I guess she has to stop holding it in.

Maria Ximara Martinez -

"I can't hold it in anymore when I was punching Jaliyah face in, it just reminded me of how those men killed Pa" I say to My momma and Dulce

"Maria you can't keep think about that ok, we all have to be strong for Mateo and Bianca" Dulce said

"I try I really do but I don't know how to keep it in and bury it"

I grab my bear and hug it, next thing I know My mom was rubbing my back and I was slowly falling asleep.

I hate how I feel right now,I haven't felt this way since my brother and dad died, and I just hate how I witnessed both of them.

Comment any mistakes 🙂

This book is ass wtf 🙂

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