~31~ I miss you, please come back x2!

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~31~ I miss you, please come back x2!

But when Lisa saw Jisoo walking to them from the garden she just couldn't avoid it and just throw herself on Jisoo to fight

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But when Lisa saw Jisoo walking to them from the garden she just couldn't avoid it and just throw herself on Jisoo to fight

Nancy was about to separate both of them but Lisa's mother told Nancy to not move "Don't move! let my baby to vent...they should fix things by themselves!"

Nancy holds Jennie from behind, who were screaming "LISAAA STOPPP! LISAAA!"

Nancy open her eyes wide open remembering that Lisa knows how to fight "I am sorry ma'am but I am Lisa's instructor and I would like to remind you that I taught her how to fight and she may kill miss Jisoo" Jennie agape listening what Nancy said

Lisa's mother remained unbothered instead just laughs "Lisa will figure it out, after all we are family...don't worry just stay there...don't move and hold that girl"

Lisa starts punching Jisoo on the face while the latter is trying to cover her face "Lisa wait...
I want...to talk with you!
Please wait!
I am sorry, ok!
I AM SORRY!!!!!!!
I didn't mean to call you 'thing with penis'!!!"

After listen this Lisa stop but got surprised when notices that Jisoo has already blood falling from her mouth and nose
When Jisoo yelled I am sorry, it got Lisa's mother and Nancy totally shocked.. Jennie just stood there smiling because finally her Lisa stopped

While Lisa is looking at her hands "I..I.."
Jisoo feels upset now but she understands that maybe Lisa wanted to take out all her anger even it is painful for her face right now she tries to understand "It's ok don't apologize, I am sorry for make you do this and made you feel like a crap yesterday...I...I"

"No you should not apologize...I am sorry for hurting you...I felt like wanting revenge but I am sorry, this is not the correct way, less with you...my cousin...come with me!" Lisa offers her hand but Jisoo slap it away "No...listen to me first!"
Lisa didn't want to listen and just lifted Jisoo like a bridal style

Once inside the mansion Lisa starts cleaning Jisoo's wounds "Auch! Hurts!"
"Shut up! Don't be a baby!" Lisa scolds Jisoo, making Jisoo pout
"You almost killed me there, did you know?" Jisoo feels sad and hurt inside but outside more
Lisa looks at her with sad eyes "After all we are family so...." Jisoo hit Lisa's arm then scold her "But it's not good to fix things like that, ya know!"

Siwoon appears from the kitchen
Noticing both of his nieces, he laugh "Hey Jisoo I heard you almost lost your teeth! Y'all should be careful while playing"
Jisoo pouts "Unclee...I just came here to visit auntie and you but then Lisa..." Lisa pressed Jisoo's wound making the latter yelp
"What??? Did I listen properly...you said you came to apologize, not to visit them!?" Lisa playfully tease
"Ahhhg I am sorry, I mean I came to say hi them and apologize TOO!" Jisoo yells

16.One Hundred Feelings But You're Ninety Nine [UNFINISHED/CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now