Chapter 25

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In the car, Kabir kept thinking about the name Amreen; was this his mother's name? Is his mother alive? Why didn't she fight for him? Why give him up to a monster like P.K? kya majburi rahi hogi maa ki? More he thought about this more restless and agitated he became. On the one hand He wanted to know the truth but on the other hand, he was scared to know it. He thought he would explode.

Pooja noticed it was already late afternoon, and as there was a change of plans, she thought to inform Amma about it, she took out her phone from the purse and saw her phone had switched off because her phone battery had drained.

She turned to Kabir,

Pooja : Kabir give me your phone I want to make a call, my phone battery is drained! It's urgent!

Kabir : ohh! It's a matter of great concern then, of course, someone special must be waiting to talk to you. (he taunted pooja)

Pooja : Kabir stop the car! (they had sent the driver home as they wanted to go to her father's hospital alone)

Kabir : Poo..

Pooja : stop the car!!!

Kabir parked the car on the side of the road! Pooja got down from the car and walked a little far away from it! Kabir followed her!

Kabir : Pooja ..pooja where are you going!! Stop ...pooja..(he held her by her arms)

Pooja turned around, looked Kabir in the eyes and said

Pooja : why Kabir? why is it bothering you if I talk to Vansh? I can understand that you can never live with the woman who's father has wronged you, I understand that this is why you want to divorce me..

Kabir : (interrupting) This is why I am divorcing you because you never understood me, you never trusted me! And now I am tired; I am tired of trying to prove myself to you! You think that I will hate you because of what your father did to me! I am hurt with the fact that after all this time you think so low of me! You have to keep secrets from me because you feel you cant trust me! So I feel its better that you are free from this relationship in which there is no trust & find yourself someone whom you can place your trust upon but till the time our divorce is finalized I won't let you rub your friendship with Vansh in my face! Till we are completely done with each other, I forbid you to meet Vansh or have any contact with him!

Pooja felt so ashamed of herself, somewhere her insecurities had always hurt Kabir time and again. But that didn't mean Kabir can forbid things to her!

Pooja: you cannot forbid me from anything! I am my own person!

Kabir : (in rage) Damn well I can, and if you don't obey me, I will not hesitate to use this relationship of yours in court! Like you even I have a dark side don't push me or I will make even Janvi look like a saint in comparison.

Pooja : (stammering) I was asking for the phone to make a call to amma; its already Lunchtime, Ved must be troubling amma hence I thought I would talk to ved and make him understand that we will be back by dinner time.

Kabir made a call to amma and handed her the phone, Pooja was terrified of Kabir, his eyes were filled with rage. she had never seen this side of Kabir! Ofcourse she knew he was in Army but till now she had only seen a calm, understanding side of him; this new shade in his personality was disturbing to say the least. Even when he had heard the news of Pari he wasn't this furious with her.

They reached the hospital, and met with the head of the hospital; MR. Rahul Khanna.

Pooja : I am Pooja, daughter of Dr. Ashok Sharma, he used to work here in the past and he is my husband Kabir. (She introduced pointing towards Kabir.)

Rahul : yes, I know about Dr. Sharma, he was a great doctor and a great human being, trust me pooja when people accused him none of the hospital staff believed that Dr. Sharma could do it.

Pooja : Thank you Mr. Khanna.

Rahul : so what brings you here?

Kabir : Actually we want to know about the delivery of Mrs. Amreen that Dr. Sharma had done in the past around 28 years ago!

Rahul : Mr. kabir, I have been incharge of this hospital for the past 15 years so I wont know much about it but I can check the records of Dr. Sharma and let you know if he had a patient named Amreen; what is her complete name?

Kabir was uncomfortable at that moment. Pooja saw the sadness in his eyes and answered

Pooja : Actually, we just have the first name!

Rahul : (sensing something suspicious) Pooja, I hope you know that I can't reveal any patient details to you! It's against the privacy law!

Pooja : I know Mr. Khanna but this is important, I promise you that your name will not appear in any wrongdoings! But please it for the sake of my late father! I need to meet this woman!

Rahul : Ok pooja!

Rahul checked the records and finally said

Rahul : I am sorry pooja but there is no patient named Amreen that Dr. Sharma has treated! Are you sure about the name?

Kabir : yes!

Pooja : can you check around the date 17th November 1991 (It was the date mentioned in Kabir's birth certificate)

Rahul : sure! (he checked) there are no records of that day! But..

Kabir : but!

Rahul : A page seems to be torn from this file! I wonder why? These files are strictly confidential and no one has access to it!

Kabir and pooja looked at each other, knowing someone had gone out of the way to hide the details of his birth!

Pooja wondered why her father would do so such a thing! Even if Kabir is adopted why erase all the records of that day? she had a sneaky suspicion that Kabir's birth is not just small adoption there is a big story behind it! She only hoped Kabir not get more hurt when everything is done & dusted.

Kabir did not want to prolong this! It was so heart wrenching he thought he would cry any moment he would never know about his parents!

Kabir : thank you Mr. Rahul I appreciate what you have done for us! We will take your leave!

Kabir & pooja started leaving when Mr. Rahul said,

Rahul : Amreen ... you said Amreen; right? I don't know if it is relevant but we had a nurse named Amreen Khan who used to work here and she used to assist Dr. Sharma! I have some records of her!

Pooja was filled with hope, maybe her mother was talking about the woman who knew the whole story and Amreen was not Kabir's mother but the nurse who assisted her dad in the operation!

She looked at Kabir! He couldn't hide the hope in his eyes! She just wanted to take him in her arms and assure him that they will find his parents!

Kabir : where is she now? Can we meet her?

Rahul : unfortunately she is retired now but I have an address I can give it to you!

Kabir & pooja reached a modest house, it was not that far away from the hospital just about one hour drive, during the drive both Kabir and pooja were quiet and nervous, nervous about what truth they might encounter. One-hour drive almost felt like a lifetime. Now finally they stood before the door of Amreen Khan, with shaky hands, Kabir finally pressed the doorbell.

A young petit woman answered the door, she looked surprised at seeing them.

Pooja : hello, I am Pooja Sharma, and he is my husband we are here to meet Amreen Khan, we were told she lives here!

Young woman: who told you she lives here!

Kabir : Actually she assisted in my delivery, I was in town after years and my mother had asked me to meet her, you know as a sweet gesture! as she still fondly remembers her, she had been kind to my mother when she was in labor pain.

That woman seemed to buy the excuse. She said I am Nadia, daughter in law of Amreen come in have a seat, I will call her!

Kabir & pooja sat on the sofa, eagerly waiting for Amreen.

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