Every Hero has a Origin...(prologue)

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Death....death is inevitable. You don't live forever, eventually you'll die. Either by a sickness or old age. By an accident or you just hated life. But in my world....the thing that causes people to die the most and what everyone is afraid of the most is...Infernals. Infernals are people who used to be human, but a flame consumes them and makes turns them into a fire demon. Everyone is afraid of infernals. But people are also sad and worried because an infernal could have been someone's family member. So either people are afraid or worried and sad. Everyone except the Fire Force. Elite groups of firefighters who take out infernals and bring peace to the world and the infernals life. Some members of Fire Force have pyrokinetic abilities making then powerful enough to easily take out infernals. Like me....I have pyrokinetic abilities as well. You may be wondering who I am. My name is Shinra Kusakabe. And this is my origin I will tell you. And the reason I wanted to join the Fire Force and become a hero and save everyone. This...is my story....

-years ago...-
"Hey mom! Someday I'm gonna be a hero and protect you and Sho." Little Shinra says to his mom.
"Really, that's amazing dear I can't wait to see you become a hero." Shinra's mom tells him and smiles.
Little Shinra smiles back. Minutes pass and his mother made him a cape.
"There I put it in. How does it look? Do I look like a hero?" Little Shinra asks his mom.
"Oh my what a awesome hero costume for a awesome hero!" Shinra's mom tells him while clapping her hands together.
"Yay now I can be a hero! Hyaaa!" Little Shinra yells while striking a hero pose.
His mother giggles and signals him that they are heading home. Hours past and it is now night, little Shinra is asleep on his bed. That is until he hears a scream. I scream that sounded like his mother's voice.
"Huh...Mom where are you?" Little Shinra asks while sitting up.
Suddenly everything starts to go on fire and he sees a figure who has a evil smile while having horns on his head.
"Huh? Who are you?! What did you too to Mom and Sho?!" Little Shinra asks while scared.
The figure just laughs and suddenly everything went to black. The fire force came and put out the fire. But suddenly Shinra's feet are on fire but it is not hurting him at all. One fire force member is holding Shinra's hand and his grandma appears.
"Please mam you must take him. He is your grandson." The fire force member tells his grandmother.
"No! I refuse! That boy is not related to me one bit! I mean look at him, that boy is a devil and he's smiling! He obviously caused the fire!" Shinra's grandmother tells while pointing at Shinra.
"But it wasnt me...I didn't do it..." Shinra thinks while crying but still doing his smile.
"My my look at boy, he's a monster for causing that fire." A women says to her friend.
"Why yes he is, they couldn't even find his baby brother. His bones were probably burned to ashes." The women's friend says.
"And look he's smiling. That boy is a devil!" The women says.
For years he was bullied and made fun of. Being called devil. There were times where he wanted to leave this world. But he pulled through. He learned to be tough as well as master his ability of flames. He could do so much. And the day he lost his only family he decided he wanted to join the Fire Force and become a hero. He did so much training and focused on his goal that he wasnt really concerned for his relationship life. Little did he know that was all gonna change. For he will have the fire to his life when he joins the Fire Force...


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