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Jesse sat there, motionless as his muddle thoughts overwhelmed him, the nightmares spiraling their way to the back of his mind. He heard a soft click, his eyes darting to the direction of the door for a moment; then staring down at the mass of blankets, possessing a distant quality.

"Jesse? Everything alright?" Lukas craned his neck as he peeked through the crack of the door, sliding through and then closing it.

"Yeah." Jesse's voice was monotone, a mask of the demons that haunted him.

"You sure?" Lukas sat down on the bed, his hands brushing against Jesse's. Jesse flinched, jerking away as he inched away from Lukas.

"Jesse? Please, talk to me." Lukas whispered, resting his hand on Jesse's. Jesse froze at his touch.

Jesse's gaze met the floors, the bottom of his vision began to blur into a mass of colors.

"I'm ...scared."

He shrunk against his wall, wrapping his arms around his knees and resting his head on them.

"Scared? Of what?"

"I don't know, a lot of things. Losing you. Losing Petra. Losing beacontown." Jesse took a small, shallow breath as he continued to speak.

"We barely survived because of Romeo. People died because of him. I can't live like this anymore..." Jesse's words acted like a burden, dragging him down, and he feared taking his friends with him. A quiet sob escaped his mouth, his shoulders jolting slightly as his eyes shut for a moment, tears forming from the corner of his eyes and trailing down the side of his face. His hands wrapped around a pillow, burying his face in it as the tears seeped into the pillow.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?"

"I...I don't want to be a problem to you guys." Jesse said, his fingers entangled into his thick brown hair.

"...How long have you been hiding this?"

A gasp tore down Jesse's throat as a flood of tears came down, his body quivering slightly.

"A while."

MCSM oneshots (Discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora