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A/N This is Female Jesse x Aiden. Enjoy!

"So, what do you guys do for fun around here?" Jesse asked, wrapping a loose strand of her curly hair around her numb fingers, she shivered as the wind blew.

"Dunno - what do you classify as fun?" Aiden asked.

"Reading a good book?" A childish giggle emerged from Jesse. Lukas smirked. "Well then, tonight we're going to show you how to live." The others nodded in agreement. "Ooh, I know exactly where to go." Aiden said, his fingers sliding into Jesse's palm. "Come on, guys." Aiden said, leading the gang.

"What is this?" Jesse stared up at the enormous building, half of it's windows shattered, the ground littered with shards of grass. "An abandoned building." Gill said with a lopsided grin. "Watch and learn." Lukas said, his fingers wrapping around the chain link fence as he hoisted himself up to the top, hanging over. He held out his hand, pulling up the others, until it was just Aiden and Jesse. "Just grab his hand, Lukas won't hurt you." Aiden said, giving her a playful shove towards the fence. Jesse's sneakers slid in the grooves of the fence, her hand meeting Gill's as he pulled her up, followed by Aiden.

"See, that wasn't so hard, now was it?" Aiden said, his gaze meeting Jesse's green eyes, glistening with excitement. "Now what?" She asked.

"Now's the fun part." Aiden said, jogging over to one of the shattered windows, climbing into it. Lukas walked next to Jesse, beginning to speak.

"The best part is, whatever you find, you keep. It's abandoned, so..."

"-It's not considered stealing." Gill finished for him. Jesse shrugged as she followed them through the room, her hands reaching for her pockets to get her phone out. She turned on the flashlight, the eerie light filling up the dark corridor. Her eyes darted around, piles of abandoned furniture everywhere.

She gravitated towards a bookshelf filled with dust and old books. She grabbed one of the books, shining the light from her phone on it, brushing off a layer of dust. 'Diary of.." She muttered to herself. The name was worn out. She flipped through the pages, her eyes catching a certain word on a page. Her eyes scanned the page; it was a diary entry about how someone had set a building on fire. She closed the book, tossing it aside and grabbing another book. It just said 'Diary' on the front. She flipped to a random page, and it was about how this person had snuck into their neighbor's house, breaking all of their possessions. Her eyes widened when she realized where she was - she went out of the room, looking at the door. Sure enough, it was labeled:

"Insane Asylum"

Her heart rate accelerated as she shone the flashlight into the dark hallway, all the doors labeled. One particular room was a small space, and the walls were a shade of white and padded. There was a drain at the bottom, and most hauntingly, blood stains splattering the wall. "Aiden!" She screeched, backing away from the door.

"-Jesse? Everything okay?" He yelled from another room.

"Yes, I mean, just come! You have to see this." She responded, slightly comforted by the presence of Aiden as he came.

"Look. At the walls. And how it's labeled." Aiden stared in the room, his eyebrows raising as he slowly understood.

"Holy shit. Is this-"

"An insane asylum. Yes." Lukas and Gill had come over already from all the commotion. "And there were diaries as well, about all the horrible things they did." Jesse spoke. All of the sudden, the whole group froze, hearing nearby footsteps. Jesse's muscles were rigid in anticipation.

"Get out of here, you filthy kids!" A booming voice spoke, reverberating throughout the barren building.

"Run!" Aiden yelled, breaking into a run, followed by the others. Jesse dragged behind them, a rush of adrenaline powering her. Surely she was just scared? But there was something else, the initial thrill of doing something she knew she shouldn't have been doing. One by one they all crawled out of the window, Jesse being the last one. Gill was the first one to scale the fence, followed by Lukas. Aiden grabbed Jesse's wrist as she stood there, unsure of what to do. The person who had caught them had ran out of the exit of the building. It was a built guy, definitely older than all of them, probably twice the size of Jesse. Aiden had reached the top of the fence, and Jesse had barely starting climbing it before she felt someone grab her arm with such force it yanked her backwards onto the slightly damp grass.

She looked up to see the guy, fuming as he pulled Jesse to his feet. The remainder of the group stood behind the fence, unsure of what to do.

"Run and I'll hurt her. I'm calling the cops." He hissed, his grip on Jesse tightening. Jesse squealed in pain. "Please, sir - we mean no trouble!" She said, her eyes wide as she bit her lip and looked up at the guy. He loosened her grip a little. "Then you shouldn't have done that in the first place." He said gruffly.

"Please." Jesse said once more. He let go of her hand, just for a moment to grab his phone to call the cops. Jesse grinned as she brought her knee up to his groin, shoving the guy with all her force square in the chest - enough to knock him down.

"C'mon, hurry!" Aiden urged as Jesse climbed over the fence, jumping over the fence and following the gang.

"That...was...awesome." Aiden said in between breaths as they ran. They stopped once they were a safe distance away from him.

"I'm going to head home now." Jesse said, fixing her lopsided beanie.

"Aw, you sure?" Lukas asked, frowning.

"Yeah, it's late. My friends are probably worrying about me." Jesse responded.

"One more thing." Aiden muttered, pulling her around the corner. "We should do this again sometime." He said.

"Sure." Jesse said, feeling the blush creep up on her face despite the fact that her whole face felt frozen.

"And..." Aiden quickly pressed his lips against Jesse's, just for a second. He winked at her before rounding the corner, joining the rest of his friends.

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