The Audition Part One

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I walk into the gym where the audition was being put in place in my rose leotard. After me and Pepper went over our tricks, turns, and leaps last night I felt that me and Pepper we're ready to ace this audition.
Bella's Leotard

Once I found Pepper I ran to her "You excited"Pepper said "totally"I said "we might want to stretch"Pepper said "sure"I said and Pepper and I started stretching

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Once I found Pepper I ran to her "You excited"Pepper said "totally"I said "we might want to stretch"Pepper said "sure"I said and Pepper and I started stretching. Pepper and I stretched till Abby started talking "welcome dancers to part one of my auditions, I am looking for about seven dancers and there is about 1,000 of you and five hundred of you will be left by the end of this audition so a lot of you will leave disappointed"Abby said we all nodded "now I gave you a number if I call your number your out no if, ands, or buts your out now spread out so we can start"Abby said "what number did you get"I said "104" Pepper said "I got 324"I said "hopefully we won't have to hear those numbers"Pepper said I nodded said goodbye to my mom and headed to where the other dancers were. "Okay dancers I said in the insta post to have four thing the appropriate dance attire which six of you don't have so 24, 56, 789, 123, 456, and 606, your out if you can't follow instructions then you don't need to be here"Abby yelled and six kids ran off in tears "now I also said have a headshot but we got rid of the kids who didn't have headshots so we should be fine now I will start off with middle splits"Abby yelled and we did that some kids just stood there or some kids didn't get all the way down the floor "I said on my insta that you had to have a split so if your split didn't touch the floor or you didn't do it at all please leave, don't make me call you out"Abby yelled and the kids who messed up left "now we will do front splits"Abby said and I noticed more kids messed up on that so I guess they can only do one type of split. "Okay I want a very versatile and flexible dancer and if you couldn't do both splits you need to go"Abby said and about thirty ran off in tears. "Now we have to get to the more complex acro so I don't have time to call out people for an aerial if you don't have it go"Abby said and about ten kids left. We did the aerial and I didn't see anyone mess up so that was good. After the aerial we did back tucks, round off back handspring, chin-stand, and elbow stand. After we did those tricks there was about 734 of us left "Okay go get some water after that come back and I will teach you a jazz dance you will perform it if you mess up your going home we will keep doing this till there are five hundred of you left"Abby said and we all headed to our parents "how is it going"my mom said "good but it's tiring"Pepper said "I am really surprised about how many kids got out during the splits"I said "wasn't that a requirement to come to be on the team"Pepper's mom said "yeah it was"Pepper said "hi"I heard behind me I turned around to see a girl around our age with strawberry blond hair and in a purple leotard "hi"Pepper said "I'm Angelica"Angelica said "well I'm Bella and this is Pepper I saw you during the auditions your good"I said "thanks I hope I make the team"Angelica said "same"I said "how cool would it be if we all made it"Angelica said "that's pretty rare but then again who knows"Pepper said "well I got to go, maybe I will see you two later"Angelica said "maybe"I said "seems like you two made a friend"my mom said "yeah she seemed cool"Pepper said "maybe she will make the team"I said "maybe but we have to worry about us getting on the team first"Pepper said "okay dancers water break over now I will teach you the combo and I want you to be flawless it you mess up your out now let's start"Abby said and we all ran to where we were dancing at. After about thirty minutes of learning the dance it was time to perform it "Umm Mrs. Abby can we have about ten more minutes so I can remember the dance"a kid near the front said "how old are you"Abby said "ten"the kid said "well I'm sorry but my dancer learn dances in a week sometimes less than a week if you can't learn the dance is 30 minutes then you need to leave"Abby said "but I'm the best dancer ever I'm even better than Maddie"the kid said "fine then Maddie"Abby yelled Maddie came from the back "I brought Maddie to help out Maddie you and the kid will improve I will decide the winner"Abby said and the improve started. The kid froze she didn't know what to do and Maddie was doing amazing doing a bunch of tricks and turns and leaps "Okay Maddie you can stop and kid don't brag about you dancing if you can't actually beat my kid Maddie you can head to the back"Abby said Maddie nodded waved us all goodbye and headed back to the back "now kid go and before you say anything I don't want a brat on my team so I don't care how good you are go"Abby said the kid stuck her tongue out and ran off. "Okay now we will start"Abby said and the music started we did the choreography people quickly started to get out "Number 546 your out your good but you looked sad on stage go"Abby said I saw Angelica walk away I felt bad for her but I knew I had to focus on the audition. "Okay these are our final five hundred tomorrow we will do a lyrical combo to see who can do multiple styles now head home I'll see you in the morning"Abby yelled and Pepper and I head home and went to sleep.

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