Here Comes The Drama

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I walked into the studio in my ALDC apparel after hearing what I heard about Cristal I thought I would talk to her it had to be a misunderstanding, and luckily for me Cristal was already there.
Bella's Outfit

"Hey Cristal"I said "hey Bella"Cristal said "hey can we talk"I said "sure"Cristal said "I heard from someone that you have been talking about me is it true"I said "yeah, but come on you think you deserve the solo Abby have it out of pity you are n...

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"Hey Cristal"I said "hey Bella"Cristal said "hey can we talk"I said "sure"Cristal said "I heard from someone that you have been talking about me is it true"I said "yeah, but come on you think you deserve the solo Abby have it out of pity you are no where near Brynn in talent"Cristal said "good to know how you feel"I said, "But Cristal I thought we could be friends but now I know that you hate me because I got a solo so I don't want to be friends with someone like that"I said and walked off. I wasn't going to cry I wasn't going I let this get to me, I was just annoyed more than anything that Cristal was mad at me for getting a solo. "Hey"Pepper said "hey I talked to Cristal"I said "really what happened"Pepper said "Cristal hates my guts because I got a solo and she didn't she thinks she that I'm not good enough to beat Brynn"I said "you think that she thinks that she is better than the rest of us"Pepper said "exactly but I will prove her wrong"I said "I know you can do it"Pepper said "hey girls"Kalani said "hey Kalani"I said "so how's it going"Kalani said "not well there is devision in the team"Pepper said "why"Kalani said "because Cristal hates my guts cause I got a solo"I said "you think she would be a good sport"Kalani said "nope"I said "Kalani don't talk to them they are losers you should talk to me"Cristal come over and said "I'm good I'll hang with my friends"Kalani said "that wasn't a suggestion"Cristal said "well I'm an Elite member and your not so your not going to tell me what to do so go"Kalani said and Cristal ran off. We though that was the end of it when Cristal's mom arrived "why did you make my kid cry"Cristal's mom said "she was trying to boss me around not going to happen"Kalani said "listen little brat, my kid is the best here so you will do what she says got it"Cristal's mom said "no your not in charge so sit back down"I said "be quiet no one wants to hear you annoying voice"Cristal said "are you yelling at our kids"Kira said with my mom right next to her "they won't listen to my daughter"Cristal's mom said "why should they your kid isn't that boss Abby is"My mom said "she is he best here so they need to listen to her"Cristal's mom said "your kid isn't the best if she was she would have a solo stop thinking your kid is the best and leave our kids alone got it"my mom said "ugh fine and Bella you will never compare to my daughter"Cristal's mom said and walked off "wow that mom and her daughter are brats"Kalani said "don't let them get in your head okay"Kira said "okay"I said "select team time to work on your group"Abby yelled from studio A. "Okay I realized that there are seven of you and for this number seven looks weird so I will have you go through the number whoever does the worst is out"Abby said we nodded and started. "Cristal you are a beat behind and your technique is awful go your not in the dance"Abby yelled and Cristal ran into the den in tears. I felt bad but then again she has been awful to me so I can't say I feel completely awful. About khten minutes later Cristal's mom walks in "Abby why did you take my kid out of the dance"Cristal's mom said "she is a beat behind and has awful technique"Abby said "really cause from what I saw Bella was dancing horrendously then again that's how she always dance"Cristal's mom said "wow that was too far"Pepper said "it's the truth"Cristal said "Cristal you and your mom need to learn not to talk about other kids like that your out of the group go"Abby yelled "you know what my child's talent is not being used come on Cristal we're leaving"Cristal's mom said Cristal nodded and started to leave "bye loser"Cristal said then left "okay with that abomination gone let's go over the group again. After the group Brynn went to work on her solo so I chatted with Pepper and Kalani till it was time to work on my solo "So Cristal and her mother has been really rude to you, but I know you have talent and can win and prove everyone wrong"Abby said and we started on my solo "it's looks great and I see your applied some of my corrections great job"Abby said I nodde and headed into the den

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