"What the Fuck" || Part 10

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      I woke up in a hospital, the fluorescent lights burning my eyes. this loud beeping was ringing in my ears and I looked over to see a heart monitor hooked to me and Betty asleep in a chair. I went to sit up right as Veronica walked in.

"JUGHEAD?!" she screamed. She bolted out of the room and towards, what I'm assuming, was the waiting room as three other people soon filled my room. "Oh my God, JUGHEAD, you're awake!" Betty was by my side in an instant. She placed her warm hand against my cool skin. She was so beautiful, even underneath the harsh lighting. She smiled and I felt my chest ache. I'd never realized how in love with her I was. Just looking at her made me feel all warm and fuzzy.

"Juggy..." she whispered. I had totally forgotten about everyone else in the room. My head was still ringing and the lights were still blinding. I hadn't noticed that Veronica and Archie had moved towards my other side. Veronica's hand was resting on my other arm.

"We were so worried about you. We didn't think you'd make it." Betty's eyes glossed over as she thought about what could have been if I hadn't made it. It was a disturbing thought, to say the least.

      "What the fuck happened?" It was the first time I had heard Archie talk while he'd been standing there. "I... don't really remember. Everything's still blurry." "It's okay, Juggy. We're just glad you're alive." Betty's grin reassured me. I honestly didn't remember what had happened. All I can recall was blackness.

A/N: Hola guys! This is a short update as I get back into writing lol

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2021 ⏰

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