Chapter 1 - Fish Thing...?

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Word Count: 1,086
Warnings: None (unless you're afraid of a tiny Bakugo, and if that's the case, why are you here???)
Ships: Bakudeku/Katsudeku

The sand crunches against the soul of his shoes, the waves crashing in beautiful synchronization. The birds soaring through the summer sky as their bodies glide over the endless sea. Blazing red eyes gazed upon the shoreline, the sandcastle that sat next to him completely abandoned. Tiny fingers grasping at the plastic shovel, as though it were the last object on this earth. All of the talking that had filled his ears moments before, was completely drowned out by the wondrous curiosity of his tiny mind.

Any normal child would have been terrified by the creature, but Katsuki wasn't normal. He was fierce and hot headed, and he was only five. But at this moment, this single moment, his guard was let down. The fierceness of his eyes weakened, and his devilish demeanor settled. He gazed at the creature, not ever seeing anything like it before. In a world filled with magnificent magic abilities, you would think that something like this would be commonly found, but it wasn't.

"Katsuki! Get over here now! We have to go if we want to make it home before dinner time!!" Mitsuki Bakugo, the mother of Katsuki Bakugo. If you were to compare the two, you would think she was an older, gender bent, version of Katsuki. "Yea, yea, I'm coming! Just... gimme a sec!" The blaze in his eyes returned as his tiny voice rang out through the beach. His hands letting go of the yellow shovel that occupying them, and replacing it with a green bucket. It had sand lined all over the sides and bottom, but it would have to do, cause there's no way he was gonna leave this thing here without taking a closer look.

Bakugo made his way over to the shoreline, his tiny feet making small prints in the wet sand as he waddled. The closer he got, the more he saw, and the more he understood.

The creature wasn't like anything he had ever seen before, a mixture of the human race with the lower body of a fish. In fact, he remembered seeing a creature like one of these in his picture books at home. It was an old one, a book written somewhere within the late 1900's. It was about a mermaid with long red hair and a crab friend, and she wanted to become human, just to see and feel what humans do. The little mermaid, was it?

He lowered down onto his knees, it was definitely something of that nature, but it was tiny, like the size of his mother's palm. It had shimmering turquoise scales and a greenish skin tone. Katsuki couldn't see its face, but he saw the mass of green curls that laid over it.

Katsuki looked over at the water, if it was an aquatic animal, it would probably need water to survive. Swaying his green bucket, he laid it on the surface of the water and slowly pushed down, seeing the water slowly start to enter the bucket. When he was satisfied, he took the bucket back over to the 'fish thing', he chose to call it.

His tiny hands slowly took the creature into them, he was trying to not disturb it. As he turned the creature ever so slowly to face upwards, he found its face.

It had dark green freckles that lined its cheekbones and nose, it's facial features as tiny as its body. In short terms it was... amazing. Katsuki's eyes shimmered, the glee of finding such a creature settling into his stomach.

He placed the creature in the bucket and stood up, grabbing ahold of the handle. He almost toppled over at the weight, he put a little too much water in it, but it was too late to dump any out. Katsuki stumbles his way over to his mother, who was putting their towels in the car.

"There you are, we have to go-! Oh. Katsuki, what did you find??" Katsuki swore that his mother was the most bipolar person on the planet, how could she go from impatiently irritated to curious happiness?? Sometimes he didn't understand his family.

"It's a weird fish thing I found laying next to the sand, what's it to you?" He held the bucket close to his chest, prepared to take it no matter how stubborn he had to be.

"Katsuki, it's a great thing you want to help out the fish, but we can't take it home, it belongs in the oce-"

"NO! It's my fish thing, you can't take it away!!"

"Do NOT yell at me! You listen to me right now! We are NOT-" Mistuki stopped. Her eyes softening as she looked at her sons demeanor. He was shaking with a red face, and tears pricked at his eyes. He was a brat, but she loved him too much to say no to him when he so desperately wanted something that he was on the brink of tears.

Sighing, she complied, making Katsuki's face light up with childlike happiness. He hugged her legs, and in return received a ruffle of hair. Groaning,he made his way to his side of the car. Putting down the bucket on the concrete floor, he jumped for the handle. His tiny body preventing him from opening the door. Katsuki growled in irritation, if only he could grow a few inches!

He jumped in surprise, he was growing! He was getting taller by some miracle- oh. He was being picked up by Mitsuki. Disappointed washed over him, he really thought he was growing for a second there.

Mitsuki brought him up to the door handle, allowing him to grab it and open it. He smiled at his accomplishment, thinking he was the strongest little boy in the world. When the door opened, she placed Katsuki in his car seat, buckling him in, and grabbing the bucket. She pulled down a middle console from the seat next to him, and placed the bucket in the giant holder, like a cup holder, but a lot wider and in the shape of a square.

Kissing Katsuki's forehead, Mitsuki made her way to the opposite side of the car. Opening the door and getting settled inside, she placed the key in the keyhole and turned, making the shake of the motor come to life.

As they drove, Katsuki looked out at all the people who played and swam, and as the soft sound of his favorite song played on the speakers, he drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

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