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They boys had failed to get Lilith so it was back to the drawing board. You kept think about what Zachariah said about your real father. You decide to ask Castiel about it. Maybe he would know.

Y/N: Cas?

Castiel: Yes Sweet Pea?

Y/N: Zachariah had said something about my real dad being alive. What did he mean about that?

Castiel: If I could tell you I would.

Y/N: Wait so you do know? But you're not going to tell me?

Castiel: I can't. It might put you in danger. I can't take the chance.

You weren't happy that Castiel wouldn't tell you about your dad, but you accepted it. You knew once Cas made up his mind there was no changing it. You looked in lore to try and find answers on how to stop Lilith. You couldn't find anything. You walked outside to see Dean fixing Baby.

Y/N: Hey. Anything I can do to help?

Dean: No. I got it.

Y/N: Okie Dokie.

You watched him continue fixing it when you heard the flapping of wings behind you.

Zach: Hello there Y/N. Long time no see.

Dean: Who the hell are you?

Zach: Zachariah. I need to talk to Y/N here for a moment. Do you mind?

Dean looked at him and he looked at you. You nodded at him to let him know it was okay.

Dean: Alright.

Dean walked to the house and kept an eye on you and Zachariah.

Y/N: What do you need to talk about?

Zach: I realized that Micheal isn't the only who could defeat Lucifer. You can too. You have the power. And it saved Micheal the trip down here.

Y/N: Yeah that's not gonna happen. Because Lucifer won't be set free.

Zach: Ahh but he will. Lilith can't be stopped. She's too powerful.

Y/N: You must not know who we are. We are Winchester's we find a way.

Y/N: Wait, if I'm powerful enough to stop Lucifer, I could stop Lilith!

Zach: You could, but I won't allow it.

He pulls out an angel blade and points it towards you.

Y/N: Whoa whoa.

Zach: You should've been killed the moment you were born. But no, Castiel had to hide his precious baby sister.

Y/N: Why didn't you just kill me when you first saw me?

Zach: I needed you tell Sam that he was Lucifer's vessel.

You see Castiel running towards you. Zachariah puts a still spell on Cas and raises his blade and stabs you.

Castiel: NO!!!!

You look down at the blade impaling you. You looked at Zachariah and he looked back confused.

Zach: Impossible!

Castiel runs up and goes to stab him, but he flies away before he can. You pull the blade out and drop it to the ground. You looked at Castiel whose eyes were filled with tears. You pulled him into a hug. You felt his wings wrap around you. You could tell it was for protection. He was scared.

Y/N: It's okay Cas. I'm here. I'm okay.

Castiel: I am so sorry.

Y/N: How am I alive?

Castiel: You're special. Very special.

Y/N: Why is it a risk if i know who my dad is? I really want to know about him.

Castiel: I can tell you about him without it being a risk. I was scared to, because I didn't want you to go looking for him. Angels like Zachariah could find you. And they'll kill you.

Y/N: I won't go looking for him.

Castiel: You're father is-

Castiel was cutoff by Dean who said they had Lilith
and needed to hurry before she opened the last seal. You went with them this time. You walked into the underground crypt she was in. You and Dean went down one way and Sam went down the other. Castiel was standing guard Incase any demons tried to come in. You didn't have any luck on your end so started headed back towards Sam. Castiel appeared in front of you and Dean.

Castiel: We can't kill Lilith! She is the final seal!

Dean: We got to get to Sam!

You run down the hall and see Sam. You start running towards him but the door is closed.


You look over and there are demons. The zapped Castiel back to heaven. You smite them and tried to open the door.

Y/N: I can't open it!!

The door finally opens and you see Lilith laying on ground dead with Sam standing with Ruby. Dean grabs the knife and stabs Ruby in the stomach.

Dean: She was the final seal Sammy.

Sam: What?!

The ground starts shaking. You grab ahold of Sam and Dean. They do the same to you.

Dean: We gotta go!

You head towards the door and it closes once more. You all look at the floor as it starts to open up. You see a bright light. You cover your eyes and you're suddenly in a bar.

Y/N: What the- Sam!? Dean!? Cas!?

???: Y/N are you okay?

Y/N: Yeah. I think so. Where am I? Who are you?

???: You're Safe. You're in Heaven, but don't worry. No one can find you here.

Y/N: Where is Castiel? Where are Sam and Dean?

???: Your brothers are okay I promise. I took care of them. They are on a plane right now. As for Castiel, he is here somewhere. But he doesn't know you're here.

Y/N: Wait are you the one who saved us?

???: Yes of course. I'd do anything for you. Anything.

Y/N: Who are you?

Castiel: angel, brother, soldier, friend, protectorWhere stories live. Discover now