The Cute Boy

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You and the boys went to an IHOP for breakfast. The waiter comes up and asked what y'all would like. He kept starring at you and smiling. You would shyly smile back, you thought he was pretty cute.

Waiter: My name is Alex and I'll be your waiter today. What can I get for you sir? * looking at Dean*

Dean: I'll take a Shortstack with some bacon.

He then asked Castiel and Sam if they wanted anything.

Alex: Alright, and for you cutie? * he said smirking at you.

Y/N: I'll take ( whatever you want :) )

Cas and Dean shot the guy a look. You look over at Sam and see him giggling. Alex left to take the order.

Sam: I think he likes you Y/N!

Dean&Cas: NO!

Y/N: * covering your face with your hands while laughing* Stopppp Sam.

Sam: Hahaha, you know, you've never been on a date.

Dean: No Sam! Do not encourage this.

Sam: Oh come on. He seems like a nice guy!

Dean: I dont care. The answer is no.

Sam: Okay you know what, Cas, what do you think?

Castiel: I will not allow any boy to date my baby sister.

Dean: She's too young anyways!

Y/N: I'm 15. And who said I was gonna be " dating him". Going out to dinner would be fine.

Dean looked at you and rolled his eyes.

Castiel: I prefer 50ft between my sister and boys at all times.

Dean: I prefer 100ft.

Castiel: Even better.

Sam: Look, she needs to explore the world.

Dean glared at him.

Sam: that. One date wouldn't hurt.

Dean and Cas still wouldn't allow it so you and Sam gave up. Alex came back and gave everyone their food. You all ate, payed,but before you left Sam said he had to use the restroom. He came back and he slipped you a note. You opened it and it was a number and read: "Text me."You smiled at Sam. You texted the number and you and Alex had set up a date. You told Sam about it and he helped you prepare. You had to keep it a secret from Dean and Castiel. You were really happy that Sam was so supportive of this. He took you to a store so you could pick out a nice outfit. After you picked one out, you went back to the hotel. You had to be quick about getting ready because you didn't want Cas and Dean to show up( they went for a pie run). After you got dressed and fixed your hair/makeup, Sam took you to the restaurant.

Sam: Alright, you ready?

Y/N: I'm nervous! How do I look?

Sam: You look beautiful. Just be yourself.

Y/N: What are we gonna do about Dean and Castiel?

Sam: I'm not sure. I'm gonna wait outside here for you.

Y/N: Okay. Well, here I go.

Sam: Have fun Pumpkin!

You walked in the restaurant and saw Alex sitting at the table.

Y/N thoughts: Omg. He looks so cute!

Alex:* standing up* Wow! You look...amazing!

Y/N: You don't look so bad yourself.

You both sat down and you talked. You got to know each other. You didn't tell him what you really do of course. You just told him that you live with your brothers and you travel a lot. He told you that he works with his dad at the police station and the IHOP job was only until he was old enough to join the force. You thought that was really cool. You had something in common, you bother want to help people. You two ate and laughed the entire time. When you were done you both walked out. Alex was holding your hand and you were holding his. When you walked out the door you saw Sam waiting. He was waving all excited for you. That made you laugh.

Alex: Your brother seems very happy for you. * he smiled*

Y/N: He's been very encouraging. * you smile back*

Alex: I really like you Y/N.

Y/N: I like you too.

Alex hugged you and then starred into your eyes. He leans in, but stops and looks at Sam. You see Sam laugh and turn around. Alex leaned in again and kissed you. You kissed him back. It was a quick kiss, but you liked it. You smiled at each other and you walked over to Sam.

Sam: So? Did you have fun?

Y/N: I did. Thank you so much for letting me go Sammy. He's a really great guy.

Sam: Of course. I want you to be happy and I want you to be able to experience things like a normal kid.

You and Sam went back to the hotel, but before you did you changed back into normal clothes, so they wouldn't be suspicious. You walked in and saw Dean and Castiel.

Dean: Welcome back. Where have you two been?

Sam: Walking around, exploring. Had some Brother-sister bonding time.

Dean: Sammy...was that you I saw standing outside of Olive Garden?

Sam: No it wasn't.

Dean: You sure? Cause I'm pretty sure that was you! Did you let Y/N go on a date with that boy!?

Sam: No Dean I didn't.

Dean: Sam I'm not stupid. I know that was you!

Y/N: Dean we went to the comic book store that was near Olive Garden. Sammy ordered some breadsticks and was waiting for them.

Dean: Why didn't you just say that?

Y/N: He didn't want you to get upset cause we didn't bring any back.

Dean: It's fine. I got pie that's what matters.

The boys got ready for bed and Cas pulled you outside.

Y/N: Everything Okay Cas?

Castiel: Why did you lie to Dean?

Y/N: I didn't.

Castiel: Yes you did and you just lied to me. I know you went on that date. I'm not happy that you kept that from me.

Y/N: I'm sorry. Sam and I knew you two wouldn't approve. I had fun though. That's what matters right?

Castiel: *sighs* I'm glad that you had fun. I don't like you keeping things from me though.

Y/N: How'd you know about it anyways? Also, how about no secrets between us?

Castiel: Deal no secrets. And I read your mind. I knew you were hiding something.

Y/N: Wait that means that you know he kissed me!

Castiel: HE KISSED YOU!?

Y/N: Uh oh... I'm sorry it just happened!

Castiel: Where is this kid?

Castiel wasn't happy with the fact that a boy had kissed his little sister. Castiel told you, you had to tell Dean about the date.

Castiel: angel, brother, soldier, friend, protectorWhere stories live. Discover now