Change the World

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The sound of my breathing was deafening in the ship's hallways. I found myself so distracted that I almost walked right onto the deck.

Lumiere caught my eye as I flailed to stop myself. I quickly regained my composure and signalled to him that I was ready.

As the trumpets played I ran my fingers through my bangs to get them out of my face.

"The future Lady Mal!" Lumiere announced to the crowd.

I let out a giant breath as everyone began their clapping. Here it was. My big day, as Carlos had called it.

I stepped out into the open, then turned to face my audience. A few small gasps could be heard as they got a good look at me. Just like last time, Evie made a statement with my outfit. She had taken off the front of the skirt, so that it started around my knees and just brushed my ankles in the back. That was already a push against the traditionalism I was supposed to be presenting. Then, she had insisted that all four of us VKs wear fingerless gloves, a popular item on the Isle.

"We're a united front," she had explained. "I want everyone to know that if you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us."

I stumbled forward, trying not to make my injury obvious, but I was certain that most of the crowd could tell that something was wrong. And no doubt at some point during the night, my dress would shift enough for people to notice the bandaging.

When I paused, overlooking the steps and dreading my voyage down, Lumiere leaned over and whispered in his thick french accent, "You work it, girl."

I laughed, glad to see someone in the kingdom didn't hate me.

I caught Evie's eye. She was standing in the front, next to Doug. Her hands were covering her mouth and I wondered if she was admiring her work on my dress, my hair, my makeup, or if she was just shocked to see that I showed up. But she was happy. And I, in turn, felt a flood of relief.

I made my way down the stairs as more cheers broke out. The heels caused shooting pains through my calf, but I made it all the way down with a smile still plastered on my face.

Perhaps the Beast could sense my discomfort, or maybe he was just being polite, but he met me on the last few steps and offered out an arm to help me down.

"Hi," I breathed out. The rest of the Cotillion had settled and was once more distracted by previous activities.

"Hi," he greeted.

Belle joined us, fidgeting next to her husband.

"Ben is on his way," the Beast promised. "And you look... beautiful."

His hesitation left me uneasy. I still wasn't on great terms with either of Ben's parents. "Oh," I murmured, halfheartedly. "Thank you."

"I know we were shocked at first," Belle cut it, "but you- you are exactly what Ben needs."

I blinked in sudden realization. They were being serious. The both of them.

"I- uh-" A smile tugged at my lips, but it was uneasy.

"Ben told us that he had a talk with you," she explained, although it didn't do much to help my understanding. "About his... situation. I don't think he's ever been stronger or happier than he is when he's with you. We were worried about his transition into becoming a king. But now that he has you, I think we're in good hands."

"I, um... Thank you," I said, flustered.

Their attention was drawn to Evie who stood behind me, patiently waiting for my attention.

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