Percy's Secret

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It was a nice sunny day at Camp Half-Blood. Birds were singing, satyrs were playing their pan pipes, and dryads were frolicking through the woods. The day could not have been more perfect. Unless you are a group of hyperactive demigods that had ADHD. In that case, it was very boring.

"I'm so bored!", Percy groaned for the tenth time in the last half hour. "Isn't there anything we can do today?"

Thalia sighed, "As much as I hate to agree with kelp head, aren't there any kind of chores or stuff we could be doing? Anything at all?"

Annabeth shook her head. "Chiron gave us a list of things that he wanted to be finished by the end of the day and we've already finished them. There's really nothing we can do."

Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Thalia, Nico, and Rachel were sitting by the edge of the creek. They had been spending the last hour trying to come up with something to do.

Percy had finally had enough. "Okay, guys." He stood up and everyone turned to him. "Obviously there is nothing that we can do here. So, let's go out on the town! It's not all the time that we have free time, so let's make the most of it!"

"Where do you want to go?" Nico asked sounding intrigued at the idea of actually doing something.

He shrugged, "I'm good with wherever, just as long as we aren't just sitting around here."

"If we're just looking for an excuse to get out, there's a new art gallery I've been wanting to check out," Rachel suggested.

"Sounds good to me." Thalia nodded. "I like going to art galleries so that I could make fun of the bad art that got into the show anyway." She and Nico started laughing. One glare from Rachel shut both of them up.

"Sounds like a plan then." Percy grinned. "Let's go look at some art."

Grover patted Percy on the back, "I just hope Miss Dodds isn't our tour guide." The two started laughing hysterically while Annabeth rolled her eyes. Must have been an inside joke.

When they reached the gallery, they stuck together and wandered through the halls. Rachel was the official tour guide. She knew a lot of the artists, so she was able to give some background to some of the different pieces. Each time they passed a painting, she could tell them a little history of that particular artist.

"Oh, now this one is cool," Thalia said sarcastically. They walked over to the painting she was in front of. It was a single red dot on a black background. "How is this even art?! I could do that in my sleep!"

"Woah, if Thalia can do it, it must be really easy." Nico snorted.

"Get back here you little spooky creep!" Thalia started chasing Nico into the next room.

Grover rolled his eyes, "Kids, so immature."

Percy laughed, "Oh you're one to talk! Just this morning you threw a tantrum because I ate your last enchilada yesterday!"

"That wasn't a tantrum," he defended. "That was a civilized discussion between two well-mannered individuals."

"Grover, you were throwing pieces of grass into Percy's cereal at breakfast. If that's not a tantrum, then I don't know what is." Percy gave Annabeth a high five as Grover sulked. Rachel was laughing hysterically. They started to follow Nico and Thalia into the next room.

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